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Posts posted by cbjaust

  1. thanks Strunkenbold for your tireless efforts over the years. You've been nothing but fair and it's a shame some in the community can't see past their self importance and recognise this.

    Here's hoping you have a change of heart and the whingers learn to take it on the chin for the good of the community, the hwbot database and overclocking in general.

    hwbot is a great project let's hope it continues.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Strunkenbold said:

    You can do this yourself, just enter the cursor in name of the CPU and the other (hidden) fields appear.

    Yes I know I can, but it doesn't seem to work for the two I linked, hence the request... Also I didn't want to change the CPU batch nr, I wanted to change the RAM "IC type" which in the URL of the search is listed as "memBatchId"

    The two OCZ Platinum Enhanced entries at the top belong in with all my other ones shown below. Because I couln't get rid of the IC type after saving it with the wrong info I just put a space in the field so that at least it would look blank. I would put actual info for these but some are entries from past competitions and thus I am unable to edit.



  3. On 8/4/2018 at 7:03 PM, Noxinite said:

    How will the memory scores be determined to be unique, given that they are all the same type of ram? Are we using the brand instead, or does it not matter?


    On 8/4/2018 at 7:16 PM, Leeghoofd said:

    different speeds/timings/brand, hence the request for the spd tab and picture of the memory modules being used ( heatspreader )

    the competition engine is not calculating the aggregate scores yet for DDR Frequency, only showing the best score for each team...

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 7/25/2018 at 11:20 PM, Leeghoofd said:


    STAGE 8: 3DMark Firestorm APU/IGP  (3 x iGPU submissions needed)

    Remarks, feedback other thoughts  are as always welcome

    DDR4 Stage 8 3DMark "Firestorm"... Is that supposed to be Firestrike or Icestorm? (or is there a new 3DMark bench?) 

    Thanks for putting this together in these trying times. 

  5. 16 hours ago, Leeghoofd said:

    Start date will be the 5th of August till the 31st of October. Frederik is adding the stages in the competition pages

    Hardware list will be available soon, so you can start scamming Ebay and co, we tried to keep it as cheap and accessible as possible.

    Verification rules will be expanded versus the regular standard offical HWBot rules:

    • CPU-Z tabs for CPU, Mainboard and Memory (+SPD for the memory stage)
    • Verification Screenshots are always full screen, no removal of taskbar, no clipping,...
    • Retail hardware only (also for motherboards)
    • Competition Background must be visible
    • To avoid the drama of last year, picture(s) of the RUNNING OC setup has to be added with each submission
    • For all 3DMark benchmarks the latest Systeminfo has to be installed (have verification files at hand)


    Remarks, feedback other thoughts  are as always welcome

    Since the full task bar must be visble (as per a later post) I think that another great rule would be to have the hwbot submission time be no more than 24 hours after the time on the bench system. Yeah, time zones (and/or change to future time so sandbagging would still be a thing I guess) but a commitment to setting all desktops to a particular time zone could work...

  6. 3 hours ago, henkenator68NL said:


    >>So where do I get Geekbench 3. Apk (The android version 3.4.1. Is no where to be found. If if find it there's something iffy with it = don't use it.. 

    Any ideas or who has a save copy op the latest know Version 3.4.?<<


    geekbench3 apk available on the rules page...


    also note that it will update to Geekbench4 if you have enabled updates in the phone (at least that's what happened to me) also if you have GB4 installed, it needs to be uninstalled first before GB3 will install.


  7. This one:


    I forgot to change the video card brand from MSI to ASUS when I submitted this result and when I went to edit it there was some issue that stopped the edit from taking (probably to do with the series) anyway I got that fixed by changing the series of card to something that ASUS uses but in the prossess added "ASUS" to the videocard batch field which I want to be empty.


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