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Posts posted by cbjaust

  1. suppose one needs to bench both intel and amd. As it stands with one benchmark being exclusive to intel cpus, it gives an intel bencher the opportunity for points that an amd bencher just does not have. be nice if there was an amd exclusive benchmark in the roster or no points for XTU :D

  2. Yeah, I figured as much. I think it might have run with black screen but I wasn't watching during the run and the only complaint from futuremark was about old systeminfo but newer versions of GPU-Z crash on launch and the susteminfo I used has an older GPU-Z dll that doesn't crash. I found that GPU-Z v0.8.5 is the latest that works. Apols for the hassle. I've rerun it since and the real sure nudges 60,000.

  3. Hi,


    Since I don't seem to be able to edit the compare url in this entry: cbjaust`s Aquamark score: 143550 marks with a GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb


    would you please just change




    so that the full url will be



  4. This comes very late, so there wont be any consequences but validating your Rage card under Windows 98 just with Powerstrip isnt enough.

    As you might see, the categories are divided into GPU core, memory size, memory bus.

    Powerstrip shows us exactly nothing of those informations.


    I mean 3dmark99 is a zero points category and this is mostly a fun competition so no one cares but the rules say that you have to use GPU-Z. If you cant use GPU-Z, you have to find a substitute.


    Everest / AIDA should be still Win98 compatible.



    So for the next time... :)


    I thought there was a page in powerstrip that shows the hardware information of the card, Trouble is I don't think you can show that page and the performance page with the clocks at the same time... maybe the driver tab might show the architecture...

  5. Does that mean the intention is to have the categories as per GPU? Searching submissions is confusing though because for instance searching for say GeForce 9 series in 2001 SE and selecting 1 for the amount gives the results with the 9800GX2 results at the top of the list but it is excluded when you change the amount to 2 where it the 9800 GTX (+) that tops the listing. it appears that the description will say 2 x 'Card Name' when it has two GPUs but it ranks as if its a single card...


    As an example is it the intention "2x GeForce 9800 GX2" and "2x GeForce 9800 GTX(+)" (both 2x G92 GPUs) to be ranked together in the future?


    My opinion is that the categories should be per card but describe the card so it is stated to have 2 GPUs like maybe "1x GeForce 9800 GX2 (2x G92), or something.



  6. there appears to be some inconsistency with multiple gpu graphics cards. For example how are havli`s 3DMark 99 Max score: 8347 marks with a Rage Fury MAXX and kotori`s 3DMark 99 Max score: 9441 marks with a Rage Fury MAXX in the 1 x Rage Fury Maxx category when scores such as kotori`s 3DMark 99 Max score: 11715 marks with a Rage Fury MAXX are listed as 2 x Rage Fury Maxx when in all cases the scores were made with a single Rage Fury Maxx which happens to have 2 GPUs on the one card. I've seen other examples as well, like the nVidia GeForce 7950GX2 like zzolio`s Aquamark score: 342138 marks with a GeForce 7950 GX2 listed as 2 x when its just a single card...


    What is the rule, because in the case of the Fury Maxx, all of the results should be in one category but they are not.



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