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Everything posted by just_nuke_em

  1. Don't run it at stock, that's your problem
  2. True... but the power design is really weird...
  3. Not really . Didn't notice it till it hit 5ghz on stock volts, that cpuz is not reporting fsb correctly. 266 in BIOS iirc. 1.61.3 seems to work fine though.
  4. Keep your love fists to yourself
  5. Ya, sideport sucking. Needs more volts maybe... Also, Ht link seemed to crap out early
  6. Better let ney know http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?p=187334#post187334
  7. It's a team comp, so you have to be the best in your team (overclock.net) for your score to show. FTW is beating you with 10k points, so you have to beat him for your score to be shown.
  8. As of an hour ago, still not working
  9. See post #63 for the intended use http://kingpincooling.com/forum/showthread.php?t=581&page=7 Pics of them running http://kingpincooling.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7076&postcount=72
  10. Nope, no quadros http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=177789&postcount=10
  11. I think the difference is whether it is part of the chipset (integrated) or built onto the board as a separate chip or add in card (mobile). The GMA is part of the chipset, and the GT540M is a separate chip.
  12. The CD tray is not a cup holder
  13. Hmm, ran an unlocked yesterday with no problem, checked it against cpuz 1.58. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2436088
  14. nvm, guess he hasn't released it yet
  15. Lies, all of it
  16. As an engineer, I hold no claim to be able to fix anything. In fact, I purposefully destroy hardware on a daily basis
  17. So I guess these is no point in doing am3+ high freq runs until this is figured out?
  18. Random curiosity, why are these not validated? Got an 8150 1137 today, now just need to find time
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