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Everything posted by Doomed83

  1. Awesome score! I hoped someone would break 6.0
  2. First Trinity 8Ghz vaild at time of posting
  3. Thanks! Working on learning the platform.
  4. I don't keep scores on USB because I'd just lose them anyway. Will rebench once I get issues figured out
  5. Thanks Shar! not sure how HT got turned on. Will have to re-bench.
  6. I agree if this is a bug it should not be allowed. I may be ignorant, but my understanding is that the test is to read from the drive which should theoretically have a maximum bandwidth of 8GB/s
  7. Trying to learn 3M01 but happy enough for now.
  8. Nice work! I knew it'd only be a matter of time till you took this back.
  9. Was using modded Trixx but when cold they didn't like more than 1.3v anyways.
  10. Sent an offer in a DM
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