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Mythical tech

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Everything posted by Mythical tech

  1. I was promoting 2133 for binning standards. "If it can't do 2133 on air I would not bother with it" I think there might have been an initial confusion between 2400mhz and i5 2400
  2. For locked sandy I use stock on ambient
  3. One of my chips can almost do 2400 mhz but it has to do it with the 2133 divider and bclk to get there. It might be able to do more but my boards tops out at about 111mhz so I can't get it above 2350
  4. If it can't do 2133 on air I would not bother with it
  5. There are a few settings that can get you almost 1fsb higer on air that I don't think many people have tried. If you want to buy my 2400 let me know. It does 111 on air.
  6. You can already sort by cooling type
  7. Thank you stefan for the board.
  8. You got pm
  9. @unityofsaints I should be getting a real memory pot soon so that will make things much better for for 3 pots. Next step is trying some legacy gpus on ln2 with this setup for 4 pots
  10. Most fun but problematic benching I have had in awhile. Took about a week to get it all working as it should
  11. Because I only had 500 ml of ln2 left so I only had one change to get a run in and did not want to risk crashing on starting wazza. The ram isn't holding me back for the run, the board can do 670 fsb on ln2 but the cpu is a random ebay sample so to get first I will have to bin a few cpus. I have some strong hypes that I might try on tuesday but I am not expecting it to be a huge difference unless I get them cold.
  12. Because I am trying to see if I can find an alternative to hypers because they are expensive and hard to find really good ones. Next on the chopping block is wprime and then e8400 cinebench with PSC
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