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Everything posted by FireKillerGR

  1. sent pm
  2. need this to go - send pm
  3. pending local buyer
  4. Bump; negotiating heavily the price if someone is interested.
  5. Hi, for sale a good & easy to bench chip (delidded). Cpu can run R15+ 6.6G with quite high cache (6.4+) without cbb & cb on apex. Cpu also does 5/4.5 on aio with around 1.21v (again delidded). Price: 380€ PS. photo is from the previous thread since P5ych0 chose to buy a better cpu I had and this didnt sell after all
  6. So just to update and close the topic. CPU is degraded, after 2x stock IHS, 1x bartx' IHS and 1x fully lapped one it did 6.70 R15 and 6730~ r11.5. Zwitterion did a partial refund (150€). Thats pretty much it.
  7. sold. please lock
  8. this can also be helpful & might be easier for some: Unlock Afterburner limits on lots of cards! some with LLC (One tool for all AB versions)
  9. Send offers via pm if interested
  10. Sent photo of the cpu yday hehe not enough money broski except if FKGR50 coupon is ok
  11. If you re-check the chat I never said you are a lier, instead I gave you excuses (ex cpu was degraded / sent wrong cpu by mistake etc. ) as insulting you, wouldnt be the best way to make things work. So, why this thread was made: a) you never mentioned that we would need custom/lapped IHS before actually receiving the cpu. b) You implied at least two times that we are noobs and that we should have someone else try the cpu. "Don't talk about this max freq on r15 or r11 and let saega bench" is just an example. c) As you can see we tried whatever you suggested over the last 2 days in order to pass the 6.7G barrier. Then we hit a wall without any valuable feedback. So since you suggested it, there is no reason to skip the bios profile from our side. I am here to push for things to work, not the other way around. Anyway, again, will try to make it work based on your additional suggestions and see.
  12. Kaby Lake IHS one for me
  13. Hey man, thanks for your reply/response. If you check the conversation you will see that I never said he is a lier, actually I gave him excuses but just said that cpu cant run 6.7G R15 and asked for assistance and then for a refund. Mobo was apex & tried different IHS as well & had no cracks (can run 6.6+ just not 6.7)
  14. Hello guys, thought to make this thread as we (me and Phil) bought a cpu from user Zwitterion and have problems since we received it. Cpu was advertised as a 6775 R15 / 6800 R11 one for 650€ & 25 € shipping. Thought it was a good deal and proceeded on sending 2 payments, one of 480€ and one of 195€. At this point its important to mention that cpu was advertised as easy to bench, -160C cbb, no cb, 6.2+ G Cache and no imc issues (4000+ 12-12-12). We got the cpu within 3 days and tested some days later, after some quick testing we couldnt run r15 @6.7 GHz. Asked Zwitterion about this and he said that we should use custom/lapped IHS and this is how everyone does it (der8auer & hazzan as well - later confirmed with hazzan that isnt true). Also suggested to mess around with the voltages as we did. 1.75 - 1.9 vcore -> no go Pll term 1.5 - 1.7 -> no go PLL 2.2 - 2.4 -> no go Pll Bandwidth 2 - 4 -> no go Cpu would always crash/bsod during R15 @6.7G Next day $@39@ came and he brought custom copper ihs (by bartx) but saw no improvement (still couldnt run 6.7). Then zwitterion started blaming our skills and asked if there is another overclocker nearby who could test the cpu; mentioned that $@39@ was there and saw that the chip cant run @6.7 and he told us "Don't talk about this max freq (said that cpu cant do 6775 R15) on r15 or r11 and let saega bench". After this point Zwitterion implied that we are noobs and cant run the cpu properly. Of course I asked for a refund and actually suggested that he would test the cpu and if it would run @6.77R15 he would sell it for 600eu and I would compensate the rest 50 but he denied. I dont know what to say/do at this point but thought to create this thread just to inform others who might be dealing with him. Will try to upload chat logs soon. Stavros PS. I already shared a link to this thread to him so he can speak/defend/state otherwise for himself & as I have nothing to hide.
  15. For 380€ you get a nice 6.6+GHz core/6.4+GHz cache R15 cb/cbb free (on apex) delidded chip. All you have to do is send a pm
  16. up for the last one
  17. kinda similar scenario with my sr-2/2x 5650x setup. Was sold to a UK guy and shipped with full wb for mobo installed. He swapped it with the original one and forgot to use one pad. He somehow shorted cpu vrms because of that and mobo died. Had to refund 250eu and let him keep the items even tho I was trying to explain to ebay that buyer interfered with the item and item was broken by him. Ofc it was like talking to a wall; whole messages were being ignored...
  18. 6.5+ cache one sold.
  19. yeah sure why not?
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