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Everything posted by FireKillerGR

  1. Yeah, agree; Will upload an other one later
  2. Thanks; temp was between -120 - -140~
  3. Thanks buddy; one more stage left. Hoping for the 3 out of 3
  4. A little something to contribute to the hw p0rn Mods made by Phil while I was playing League of Legends PS. Backup wasn't needed after all
  5. Had this issue before. I think the result file is linked with a unique serial aka profile. So if you put other's key -> run -> save and try to upload with your account it won't work. You can ask your friend to upload it and give you the link.
  6. what windows? Based on your video I think your 3D were too low while Physics too high but I dont remember what OS you were using.
  7. Of course you can set custom res. This benchmark was always a joke even for phones . A 720p phone could destroy a several $$$ 1080p phone just because it scales with res. PS. I think your OS might be the reason for the low scores.
  8. is it delidded?
  9. bump cause its the new trend
  10. I get your point but I guess I didnt catch the joke since apparently we have different taste of humor, didnt intend to create drama nevertheless
  11. hey... the thing that Rauf did what he did (he didnt cheat as far as we know - his score was valid screenshot was fked up) doesn't mean we got the right to go publicly and take a sh1t on him... Also that doesn't mean that suddenly a random guy can claim to be superior a superior ocer because of that (not necessarily pointing to u). No reason to be impolite broski
  12. sold; thanks for the space
  13. up
  14. As you said, it might not cost 150 eu now since it got 40% off @stores & x99 being almost dead since new chipset is coming out soon (mid year afair). Indeed I said that some of the USBs didnt work as supposed and thats why I was using the bracket (as mentioned) instead. My bad for not testing PS/2 even tho it was never needed/we never used it for X99 (had no issue with usb recognition on OS) so it never passed my mind; maybe ethernet is dead as well; you can also say that and I wont deny since I didnt use it for my sessions. Anyhow, if you had expressed a request for a refund back then or a request for assistance, we could work on something even tho, it might be a bit silly if you ask yourself what would an acceptable refund be? 10-20eu? Both issues are fixable and dont affect the reason of why it was bought (oc) but I guess thats from what pov u see it. Re ln2 it was never communicated to me that there was smth wrong with the mobo & never had issues with it. In the end, both mobos were insulated and used for xoc (which was communicated) and never had issues with them on whatever I needed to use during the sessions (except USB ports of x99). As for why this thread was created: Zwitterion was informed about the thread a day before its creation and was made cause we came to an end and saw no valuable suggestions/outcome + being offended a bit by the way we perceived what he said (two sides disagreed on this but doesnt matter anymore) by letting someone else test it and watch. During the discussions it was always about us doing something wrong instead of the possibility that the chip was degraded or seller made a mistake. Thats the difference on you not communicating the issues towards me (you mentioned once that x99 had ps/2 and usbs dead and that you worked around it with the bracket & nothing re ln2 and this was when you received them 2 months ago - nothing since then) vs us trying whatever seller suggested and didnt see a valuable outcome. Quite a big difference if you ask me; especially since I tried to help with whatever question you had even not related to what you purchased.
  15. Buddy I dont think we ever had an issue before and it caught me by surprise that you didnt reach via pm/fb for such request (on the other hand I informed zwitterion hours before this thread and even linked him so he could speak for himself). So, indeed I said that some of the USBs werent functioning properly and thats why we had been using USB bracket (which I included) since we saw the issue. About PS/2 wasn't aware as I told you that we have been using a K70 for almost 2 years now. Afterwards, you said its like that and that you would bench it anyway with the bracket without raising any questions or request for help for the specific matter (only asked for suggestions re OS/efficiency) . Since then (2 months ago since you received, changed insulation and starting benching it) you benched it with different cpus/gpus and multiple sessions. Now you mentioned partial refund (since you failed to sell it according to hwbot sale thread) after you benched what you had to bench which for me its kinda... not cool. You got a motherboard with a bracket to deal with USB issue as agreed beforehand, if PS/2 is the problem I can get you a USB to PS2 adapter but I doubt you will bench it again.
  16. Since you didnt ask for something similar 2 months ago when you got the mobo and started benching it (you got it for 150€ and you were aware that it was insulated, that some of the usbs werent functional and thats why we added usb bracket thus the price) I dont think this makes sense (you ran what you had to run and now you either try to sell it or decrease the already low price you paid for it). Maybe I can ship you a usb to ps2 adapter since I didnt know ps2 wasnt functional
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