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Everything posted by Schmuckley

  1. Buy dis Ting!
  2. bump for 775 love!
  3. This changes things for me ..Celly D? who is that?! wat?!
  4. bump! Buy eet! buy eet naow!
  5. Well..this totally makes up for the Pentium 6.6 not giving you any boints.. The points for xtu is just shameful;I actually feel nauseous
  6. Nice! well..no mucho boints but..looks like fun!
  7. bump!
  8. Up for sale is a fully (and well) modded p5b Deluxe.Capwn did the mods and..It's very nice and all.I played with it for about an hour.I no longer need because..I lucked into a usb3p.PS if you need something modded,I would recommend Capwn. -$60 shipped in US
  9. No CB?? I'm pretty tired of CB Hasfail.
  10. :woot: Btw..as far as that "invalid" thing on FM submission;That comes from OCing PCIE slot.Sometimes it does it,sometimes it doesn't. Mike's score should not have been yanked. I nominate MikeCDM for Pcm05 mod.
  11. You forgot Mtech,Me,Chispy,TopDog,Gazza30...Crantana.. Here I am looking to get a better GPU and RAM for Pcm05.. So..Give Super-Duper lopsided boints for XTU and get rid of PCm05 points? "Oh btw..You just spent hundreds of dollars on a RAID card for nothing." Chispy JUST got one.
  12. Why not just get somebody decent to moderate it? And Forget about the online validation if FM no longer supports? Seriously;It's about the funnest bench ever. :banana: Nobody wants to suffer through 20 minutes of PCMark Vantage. Look at the participation on that bench versus Pcm05.
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