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Everything posted by Kotori

  1. Thank you Antinomy-san! Yes i like rare and good OC board like you.
  2. Hello HWBOT staff! please add Abit SH6 (Intel 815E) http://valid.canardpc.com/s5izw0 Thank you.
  3. Corsair module looks good, mine is this@3.8v Ozzy: Already wipe too, like the Peels off plating
  4. Thanks! I'm glad to play with you guys. I.nfraR.ed-san it's not so tight timings, max A latency = 8ns.
  5. choose the 1, best school sounds good hahaha. I want to do the old bench, Final Reality, N-Bench, Something.
  6. Yes, taken from there about two years ago
  7. Hi Stermy57-san I used official latest bios, Bios ID:23(m520a23), date:2007/11/19.
  8. Thanks ludek-san! this is FREEWAY FW-6280BXDR/155 Rev.B(OEM by A-Trend) http://freeway.twotop.co.jp/product/design/fw-6280bxdr155/fw-6280bxdr.html
  9. impressive! great work SHIMIZU-san
  10. Hi,Gigioracing-san! this chip has cold bug, perhaps it was about -20 temp
  11. phobosq-san: vdimm 3.78v, I feel most interesting is drive stress. Scotty: It might be the end here, but I will continue until the death of RAM sburnolo-san, Game Theory-san, d3mox-san, ObscureParadox-san, Thank you!!
  12. Congrats HwBox Hellas O/C Team!! next pro oc cup, I will cheer your team. XTREME OC Team Bulgaria, Catch-up of the last 1 week was amazing, Congrats 2nd! And Congrats all Participating team!
  13. I.nfraR.ed-san, ObscureParadox-san, sburnolo-san, Thank you!! I'm glad to enjoy tean cup with you. Hyperhorn-san, Thank you polite Japanese!!
  14. Thank you Sergio73-san and FeSS-san!!
  15. Forgot to say, I have respect you from previous Ney-san! Thanks!! websmile-san
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