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Seby last won the day on December 7

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  1. Need to disable PCI for it to work on XP. On AM5 too. CPUz 2.0-2.03 works but is completely incorrect.
  2. 9 GHz KF was 114 lol
  3. I think the font size for the competition/stage name should be the same as for the rest of the fields and tabs.
  4. Haha don’t worry, this result was done using Liquid Nitrogen to cool the CPU, running the pcores at 7.6 GHz and the ecores at 5.9.
  5. Ah so do you get freezing AFTER the score every time too? Most I could run without freezing after the end was 8280. Nice score though regardless!
  6. Not over my last score of 8.902, which was at lower cpu/mesh/mem, for some reason it was slower than that, but this parallel framework made it faster. But over 3435X? Yeah I'm pretty sure 16 cores doesn't need 8 channel mem, so the higher cache and much lower latency helps, though I would still like to try one.
  7. Why only 2.6 mesh out of curiosity? Should be able to do the max of 2.7 without any extra voltage
  8. 3DMark 2001SE Ryzen only all out - Misc I guess
  9. If it didn’t crash it would get ECC errors :(
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cccDcSac5rxPATm_1D76TD2lOqs27Erj/view?usp=sharing Old bios but if you want it here you go
  11. 12600HX and 12900HX and 13900HX etc using BGA to LGA adapter. Can be found on aliexpress, just search 12600HX. (Raptor not yet)
  12. Actually that’s really smart, because I think I remember Bill say that it turns out on its own at -40 or something 🤔🤔🤔
  13. Actually I'm especially surprised about avx512 being slower because of how incredibly fast it is for pure avx benchmarks on this generation. Though I did test it before on 12th gen and found the same results, the avx512 on zen 5 is even "bigger".
  14. Yes, they are far worse at the same clock as Zen 4. The main thing you did "wrong" was to use AVX512 instruction set instead of AVX2, as for some reason AVX512 is way slower for this benchmark. I just used a version of opencl that didn't have avx512. But yeah better to run this on Zen 4 for sure, also because those are easier to run maybe. This chip needs to be torched to -35 after every crash to be able to run cold temps 🥲. My 7700X just really sucked and couldn't run below -85 at all
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