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Seby last won the day on January 13

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  1. Y-cruncher failed even though benchmate says score is valid :( Will be fixed with next bm I think.
  2. Yeah 2505, I would start on 2702 and if you have bad CB and can’t solve, try 2505 before giving up.
  3. But I had lots of issues on LN2 with this bios, main one is that instead of the usual CBB behavior of C5 or whatever, the board just didn’t react to start button. Then also just that high memory clock on ln2 was way less stable and I could only run -88. Lastly, this cpu did -180 to -190 before and now it freezes at -110. Also got socket replaced on it since then but I need to test old bios again. Main purpose of this anyway though was to compare ambient to ln2 frequency to gauge what my ambient goal needs to be
  4. Have Renesas PMIC? There's no OC PMIC for RDIMM, but renesas can still be hacked. My new dimms have richtek so also 1.435 :( , and on Intel they have issues with oc, not sure why.
  5. UNOFFICIAL BIOS for Z790 APEX Encore based on 9905 that: Fixes MCE on HX CPUs Fixes Tri/Quad GPU AVX512 for Alder Lake without breaking 0x11F Microcode switcher (not bclk ucode) Disables CPU_FAN warning by default Disables Armoury Crate by default https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wo6kRuFDjjznaC6U-lrOC4fC9wxKx2ih/view?usp=sharing Need to flash with USB Bios Flashback (Rename to A5470.CAP) Change from before is that CSM now properly enables itself on its own for legacy GPUs and long/failed first boot fixed EDIT: Link updated to fix win 11 bsod
  6. Need to disable PCI for it to work on XP. On AM5 too. CPUz 2.0-2.03 works but is completely incorrect.
  7. 9 GHz KF was 114 lol
  8. I think the font size for the competition/stage name should be the same as for the rest of the fields and tabs.
  9. Haha don’t worry, this result was done using Liquid Nitrogen to cool the CPU, running the pcores at 7.6 GHz and the ecores at 5.9.
  10. Ah so do you get freezing AFTER the score every time too? Most I could run without freezing after the end was 8280. Nice score though regardless!
  11. Not over my last score of 8.902, which was at lower cpu/mesh/mem, for some reason it was slower than that, but this parallel framework made it faster. But over 3435X? Yeah I'm pretty sure 16 cores doesn't need 8 channel mem, so the higher cache and much lower latency helps, though I would still like to try one.
  12. Why only 2.6 mesh out of curiosity? Should be able to do the max of 2.7 without any extra voltage
  13. 3DMark 2001SE Ryzen only all out - Misc I guess
  14. If it didn’t crash it would get ECC errors :(
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