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Everything posted by newlife

  1. Stock heat sink with dice should work pretty well or at least it did with a r5 230
  2. Any idea how long till we have a comp background?
  3. Pretty sure it"s not
  4. I was going to say edit but people aren't going to be able to sub full stop in gpupi stage do I've messaged zeropluszero about it
  5. Don't know about IntelGuy but I was just just making sure I didn't kill my card after adding a cap to memory
  6. After having a look a uat server I have to say I don't mind the way it's looking as unlike last time the balance between global and hardware points for me at least stays around same although I drop 50+ places because of comp points having less weight but I gain 150 places in hardware masters
  7. Indeed, just ask me as I happy and enjoyably bench on lower end hardware especially since it tends to clock better
  8. quiet you that's meant to be a secret but yeah 1b won't run unless batch size 5m or lower The gk208 version is the only 710 to exist and what they have showing as 710 is actually a 705 which is OEM only
  9. Unless I'm mistaken kaby lake will still work with older versions of Windows but not officially
  10. Hey mate your score isn't right as lacks GPU-Z and score is the whole thing not just graphics and nice clocks btw
  11. newlife


    bankruptcy seems like the easy way out because he doesn't have to pay the money back
  12. I think the cctf has come to a solution which has no cpu bottleneck on really old systems which has also been posted on comp page already
  13. At least the result was different but seems stupid to blame on the mb If it's the boards fault in Australia at least it's on Asus to replace the cpu but you'd have to be able to prove without a doubt that the board did in fact kill it
  14. I can't speak for a 6700k but a 4770k would max around 1.35-1.45v for a AIO and xtu but single threaded can run 1.6v+ but with sub zero ambient they could push 1.55v with xtu Could be possible the person was using extreme and just forgot to put it down but link a result and I can give a better idea And welcome to hwbot may you push hardware to where it has never been before
  15. Going from 3.9ghz to 4.4ghz oh and these are 950 results i was comparing which is haswell-e vs cold skylake isonzo`s 3DMark - Cloud Gate score: 35261 marks with a GeForce GTX 950 Traktor`s 3DMark - Cloud Gate score: 30994 marks with a GeForce GTX 950
  16. But he didn't use anything close to a normal TIM and glueing the Ihs on and getting a rma is hit and miss just like when you use a liquid metal product which should be known before you use it
  17. Only because of the cpu test and just looking at some gtx 950 results and SS skylake is 30994 with gpu about 1500mhz while Broadwell-e at 4.5g and 1340mhz scores 35261
  18. For future comps is it possible to make it graphics score that counts as I can't help but think Broadwell-E will have a big advantage in Cloud Gate
  19. I'm not full disagreeing but with liquid metal TIMs what it does to IHS is pretty extreme as it soaks it a few nm and can't be cleaned away without a light lapping but Coollaboratory has said in the past using liquid pro/ultra is likely going to void your warranty And I fully understand the argument about price but most company's are know to be jerks about RMA's at some point
  20. Cheers and I've added a 1gb msi card to the guide now
  21. liquid metal is very known for voiding the warranty of CPU's especially given you are meant to lap the CPU and Coollaboratory do nothing to hide that fact plus your CPU looks pretty stuffed So it sucks you didn't get a RMA but you shouldn't be surprised
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