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Everything posted by chispy

  1. :eek:Insane score just insaneeeeeeeeeee :ws: , Go Deux Go Go Go...
  2. Hi good old friend , thank you for the sugestion appreciated , i asked Shamino on that tread if baking the card would help. Yes bro i have tried on Asus P5B-Deluxe P965 and on a eVGA 790i Ultra but still running at 4x
  3. Guys i have a problem and i would like some help to fix an issue with a GTX285. Ok here goes the story , this is a BFG OCX GTX285 1GB Rev.1 , i bought this card the first day they came out so its already quite old. The card its volt moded via vid bridges pins and i have conected them via solder to get 1.3v. its been like that for over a year now. This card was completely dead after a long LN2 session months ago, but i was going thru my big pile of dead hardware and i thought of re-testing the card before going to the trashcan, i cleaned all the sticky armaflex on the back and front of the card as much as i could , i removed the clear coat of nail polish that i applied to the card too as well as all the vaseline on the card. The card was looking like brand new after been hooked to a TeK 9 gpu pot for 5~6 months : , i clean it up really good :yepp:. I use MX2 on the core and the same pading that came from factory for the memory , installed the stock cooler and place the card on an old Asus P5B Deluxe P965 Mobo and voila , Bingo , woow the card post it right away and came back from the death , boot into windows and i installed latest whql drivers 197.13 rebbot and awsome the card its working flawlesly:) im happy until i opened GPU-Z and oh sh*t the card its running at pci-e 16 @ 1x :shakes: , i reset it the card , uninstalled and reinstalled drivers again , i boot in windows and now the card its running at pci-e 16 @ 4x:shrug: ,i said to myself well its a software problem and here i went flashing the card with an evga FTW Bios wich runs aboslutly great on this card , flash was done succesfully. re-tried the card again with new Bios and guess what the card still running at pci-e 16 4x. I tested in another mobo eVGA 790i Ultra and yep you guessed it right the freaking card its running at pci-e 16 @ 4x. I have troubleshoot until not available but i cannot get the card to run at the full pci-e 16 @ 16x. Please help this poor soul out , im getting frustrated because the card runs flawlessly in games and overclocks like crazy and stable for benchies even on stock cooler , but the results are very low because the card its been bottleneck by the pci-e 16 running all the time at pci-e 16 @ 4x , any ideas , help , guidance will be trully appreciated , i would like to fix this card to use it in my 24/7 gaming rig. Thanks in advanced. Regards: Chispy By chispy at 2010-04-02
  4. Amazing chip you got there bro:eek: , congratz.
  5. Loving that QPI jody , congratz on that amazing run done the PURE way
  6. Congrats bro , great going The PURE way.
  7. lol Para que vean hasta Dios se eqivoca , hahahahaha , arregla eso Pleaaaassseeeeeeee
  8. PUREly Done , i knew it was a matter of time Vincy. Congratz on WR bro.
  9. PUREly Done , congratz Nick .
  10. Great Going Vince PUREly done.
  11. I would like an explanation too on this unreleased hardware subject , meaning all hardware , example: Motherboards , CPUs and GPUs ? or just what hardware specifficaly. thanks in advance . Regards: Angelo.
  12. Amazing score guys , well done , Where i can buy that motherboard ? Is it Retail already or a ES sample or unreleased hardware still ? , me wants one , awsome board. Keep up the good work.
  13. OS Tweaks Efficiency good drivers , NOT buggy run.
  14. lol , Google translator its not good at all , i wish i could help out witha good translation but i dont speak french , i do speak Spanish ,English and some German , maybe next time i can help. Would some good soul please translate what this guy its trying to say ? i cannot understand a word. Help him out you guys that can speak french and english , common guys . chispy.
  15. Suddenly a lot of us lost around 40 points in Team PURE. hwbot maintnance ?
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