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Everything posted by d0minat0r

  1. http://hwbot.org/benchmark/3dmark2001_se/ Single GPU is best for 2001
  2. wolf can change his coat but not his character
  3. pazza316 = 8pack http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/pazza316/
  4. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?190088-WARNING-Do-NOT-Trust-pazza316-%28eBay-ID-xtremesystems316%29
  5. I received my REX and work fine but had no thermal paste on NB and SB
  6. Nice price for CPU. Next week i test my 4770K on ln2 he doing XTU 5,8 @ 1.55V on ln2
  7. you buy CPU from Wizerty?
  8. My desk https://scontent-a-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/t31.0-8/10557144_10203738850245420_5181009574129242518_o.jpg
  9. For 3D 05 01 03 Am3?
  10. LAN driver for windows XP 32Bit
  11. If you live nearly Serbia you can to Niš and buy card this option is very quickly. I can buy card for you but i never send any package to other country
  12. Yes sold out yestarday.
  13. how you find this auction?
  14. thx for link on ebay search i cant find this My cousin buy one REX for me
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