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Everything posted by Jumper118

  1. you been spending some cash monies?
  2. What was the gpu voltage required for this?
  3. i know. i dont have any newer intel chips other than an i3 6320 any more unfortunately. had amd ryzen 1000 and 2000 series these past couple of times.
  4. i'm glad to see my thread has grown so beautifully. havent seen this many comments on a thread for a while
  5. No, you can't pay to bring other people down, that is negative, but you are able to pay for yourself or others to go up making them relatively lower, which would have the same overall affect.
  6. Yes this is a great addition to my plan. I like it!
  7. Life is pay to win. Just hwbot is loosing, when they could win. Look how rich EA is.
  8. As hwbot is always lacking in funds and staff, I think it would be a great idea if hwbot introduced micro transactions in an EA style where we can buy a few different items with real money. This would help support the platform financially and I think as gamers love them so much overclockers would too. My suggestions are 1) buying points in different leagues (hw masters points are cheaper than actually league points) 2) buying into the next league. Say I'm a novice who has never used Ln2 but I want the cool elite status, I could just pay to more up, say a set amount per league moved up, with elite being highest price and enthusiast being the cheapest. 3) buying a a submission to be kept in the database even if it slightly broke the rules, but isn't and obvious cheap. Think of it like a fine for accidentally cover the cinebench render window or using windows 10 on sandybridge. 4) early access to a competition so you can put your scores in before anyone else to make sure the right wallpaper is up etc. Gamers love beta and alpha testing so overclockers will do as well. 5) buying extra hours at the end of a competition so you can ensure yours is the last sandbag and nobody can sneakily beat you right at the last second. 6) buying a point boost in a competition to add 100 points to your score so you can just beat out that pesky guy who spent the extra time tweaking his ram!!! Such an annoyance these kids who spend their whole week tweaking ram cos they don't have anything better to do I think with the formula laid out above hwbot will be rolling in it in no time. Hwbot can start up the world tour 2.0 with mega prizes like rolls Royce, rolex watches, holidays, 3175x Xeons. Also they could get faster servers, have a full time dev team working on making the database work more effectively and full time paid mods driving lambos to moderate competition submissions. Would also like to hear any other suggestions people have that we could put micro transactions on! #makehwbotgreatagain
  9. windoge 10 is not allowed on x99.
  10. You should have gone to 0 competition point in that case because you didn't participate for the new team at all XD
  11. I would 2nd this. Vantage x in the team cup was great fun and is much better on new gpus than performance.
  12. They don't because you only get points for the stages you submitted scores for. Say if your a noob and you join ocn half way through the team cup but you don't participate and ocn win, you don't suddenly have loads of points. If you join ocn and you sub to 10 stages you would get points for those 10 stages
  13. If your friend joins half way through that's fine. Loads of people sub 1 score then leave. Should there score not count towards the top team points because they only subbed 1 score to the team as well?
  14. Why don't we all just join the same team ? then we all are winners right?
  15. This would not have to apply to new members though. Say if you joined hwbot in the middle of the team cup, you still should be able to join a team.
  16. point per litre is very high on this one :D
  17. hi, one of my team is having trouble subbing this http://hwbot.org/submission/3963567_prokon_aquamark_radeon_x850_pro_agp_53525_marks to Stage 7. is it not allowed?
  18. can you remove this sub please. it has lowered our score a lot in this stage of the team cup, the 7350k was higher.
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