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Everything posted by Jumper118

  1. 1) the titan z isn't even that fast 2) the pro duo isn't expensive. It's cheap compared to a 2080ti or an ares card. In a dual gpu stage they are all relatively rare and relatively expensive vs the single gpu cards, but it's not like £3000 like a titan V or anything.
  2. Yes. I always needed an excuse to buy a titan z
  3. wow the drivers for rx480 have come a long way! i need to revisit this myself
  4. Stage 6 is mint. Might get marz barz or 7990 out ?
  5. great effort! you will pass Ian soon :D
  6. I think having votes on competitions is a good idea, it will help you gauge what people like and dislike about them, and the data is good for feedback.
  7. All single socket xeon should be allowed in all competitions. I vote for Xeons!
  8. i have 3 sticks and they are running in triple channel. i dont see an issue with this
  9. No it wasn't. I downloaded it on that day from the link of div 4 and it was the background I used. Why do you think so many people used the wrong one?
  10. Amazing but that wasn't the one that was linked in the competition when I or anyone else downloaded originally. Why don't you just make a announcement on the front page saying you messed up and all subs from now on have to use this background rather than deleting everyone's subs like cheats or criminals?
  11. Dood you clearly had the wrong link for background on the oc esports page..... You are going to end up deleting everyone subs. What's the point....
  12. I didn't.... I have used the same background for all subs downloaded from div 4
  13. Technically it's still in Europe because we are still the same place. The EU is not Europe.
  14. I don't have prime and I got mine for £120 shipped. Was just 3-5 day shipping
  15. Also if you haven't already try set your ram to 1.8v and tried boot 12-12-12-12-28 with trc at 56 and trfc at 240.
  16. You know the rad that isn't in the ice is probably warming up the loop. You need to put them both in ice really.
  17. Has anyone else noticed that if you put the memory sticks in the opposite slots that they oc way worse?
  18. if you got some proper cooling on it, it would have been fine XD
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