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Everything posted by Jumper118

  1. Cheers. didn't know you were a mod. would you mind fixing: http://hwbot.org/submission/2871762_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2871763_ as well please. i have no idea how it manged to submit them as dual cores or dual cpu's?
  2. same thing has happened with my R11.5 and 2003 submissions
  3. http://hwbot.org/submission/2871699_ this is broken. i can't change it to 1 cpu with 1 core......
  4. this guy was selling this board the other day on ebay. i was watching it! he aid it didn't work and he even sent me a picture of the socket when i asked. not sure whether i am allowed to post the link but the item number on ebay was 141666356183
  5. i get 100 cups every 12 hours, all the cups!
  6. its someone on linustech tips. he did say it was super unstable and he was a over 1.7v in the bios, so it think it might have glitched
  7. http://hwbot.org/submission/2537534_raules009_cinebench___r11.5_core_i7_3770k_11.44_points/ and http://hwbot.org/submission/2856622_gofspar_cinebench___r11.5_core_i7_3770k_11.77_points/ they have got a very high score for the clock. seems a bit fishy.
  8. what were you smoking to put 1.8v through it under water
  9. Ok, i would like to buy both sticks of them then. i am in the uk so that will be 25 euro in total.
  10. are the 3-3-3-7 209mhz stick 10 eruo each?
  11. What size is each stick of ram? (in Megabytes)
  12. i dont think you could. i think you will have to get an extreme 6+ to go higher.
  13. i don't really like being 1st, being first means you can only go down. i like having people ahead of me to beat, its more motivating. i defiantly don't like being last.
  14. very impressive score with that board on air cooling.
  15. have you still got this? you should really get it on dice. AMD's love cold
  16. within 0.01v
  17. this doesn't have LLC but its seems to stay fairly constant. i have disabled all the c states and power saving features.
  18. i dont think you can just set the voltage. i think it only has offset. its driving me mad another thing i can't work out is why i can't get my athlon x4 740 stable at 4.2ghz when my asus a88xm plus was fine with it at 4.3ghz
  19. How are you suppose to set the volatage properly on this board. i've just booted at 5ghz on an athlon x2 370k with 1.45+0.100000 in the bios, but when i get into the bios cpuz reads 1.7v!!! so i go back out of windows into the bios thinking cpuz is wrong and its now saying 1.708v+0.10000000? on my asus a88xm plus if i choose 1.45+0.1 its 1.55v in windows............... edit. i have updated the bios. its still random, but its only 1.665v now which is much better.
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