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Everything posted by Jumper118

  1. also try use that 5960x with it too as it will help the physics score massively.
  2. you can turn off tessellation and force aa down to 2x in the amd driver. it will say the score is invaild, but it will still count on here. you will get a much higher score with those turned off!
  3. this is awful to hear. i think its has been a massive setback, but i hope it gets better.
  4. Jumper118


    the uk exploded massively in 2015 and disappeared just as fast in early 2016 i am hoping it picks up again in 2017 but we will have to see.
  5. Invalid data file: Unable to decrypt the datafile
  6. I cant submit online or upload the data file for the 1st stage it just says error decrypting file every time. I am running an i5 5675C which is valid for the competition as it is LGA1150
  7. . Will we need any dewar at the event? I will have mine from Harrys and can bring it as long as I have a car big enough to put it in by then.
  8. Is that because of the Ln2 or the venue? When we do rolling road days or drag racing with people from ocuk forum we normally only plan a month in advance.
  9. isnt it in November/ December? thats about 2-3months lol
  10. i think the country cup would be a good time to have a meet.
  11. I will do a full post of it as soon as I get home. Jumper118`s 3DMark11 - Performance score: 19684 marks with a GeForce GTX 780 this is like the sub that was removed from the team cup same format but different background for team cup but there are loads of subs that look like this as around that are the same. Devil_Dog`s 3DMark11 - Performance score: 20028 marks with a GeForce GTX 780 this is what the one on the rules page, but if you have the interwebs connected it comes up like mine. JonathanArcherPL`s 3DMark11 - Performance score: 20609 marks with a GeForce GTX 780 then after only 5 mins of looking there are loads of sub without a screenshot and are using a rig pic as the screenshot and just putting a 3dmark link............... I am annoyed because my subs got delete when loads of other subs that are the same or way worse havent been checked at all. The other reason is that i have subbed like this many times before and have never got reported for it which is why i have kept doing it in the same way. Also it was only removed after the competition when i cant fix the score whereas if it had been brought up straight away i would have had a chance to fix it. Basically are there different rules for competition or is the modding just not consistent? because really if you are going to remove my sub from the team cup for having invalid screenshots, you should be remove 90% of my 3d11 subs............
  12. The screenshot shown on the example is not clear and I think there should also be one showing what it show look like on the web version as well. Atm half the score or maybe even more don't even have valid screenshot.
  13. you may have beaten my by 1 mark, but my sub is automatically better cos rig pics. sli gt710
  14. aint nobody got time for binning.
  15. i'm not sure if this counts as stock air cooling as i am still useing the stock air cooler, but i put it as chilled water cos i'm melting ice on it.
  16. if i put my phase cooler ontop the stock heatsink with a thermal pad or paste would that still count as stock air?
  17. this is a brilliant competition. i have bought one specially for this
  18. ok. it was the first team cup sub i did so i forgot to put it on. i will rerun in a few days when ambient isnt 30c
  19. i see my 6950 gets a higher score than a 5870 as it should, but on the oc esports page it get the score of 400marks when the screenshot and sub say 1200marks.
  20. just a close up of the back and front of the pcb please.
  21. how well does it clock? do you have more pics? what fluid has it had in it?
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