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Everything posted by Doug2507

  1. Thought all were sammy now Dan? Anyway, only lucky if core clocks like a mofo!
  2. Joined the club. For those that have run on cold, did you find lower asic better or no difference?
  3. Sure pj. Away to do fresh os install today so I'll check out what the other .executive was. Maybe Allen could tell you if he's already setup? P95.exe and can't remember the other.
  4. Roman power ftw! Great score buddy!
  5. Give em 3d mark instead. At least it's got pretty pictures...
  6. You can run lasso real-time with hpet. There's 2 files that need priority assigned for full effect.
  7. Insane core! What vgpu? Making 20th gold look like the better option....
  8. Yeah, it's alright stock. Downside is that's about as good as it gets. No A53 enabled and no good rom/kernel.
  9. Sure, junk it and stop chasing the money trail.
  11. Doug2507

    6g+ sky i3

    Don't have time to go binning a load of i3 so looking for a 32m 6g+ i3. Not arsed if 6100/6320 etc etc. No ES though. Thanks.
  12. Doug2507

    Various GPU

    All posted. Germany/France i'd expect by end of week, others should be within 2 days.
  13. Doug2507

    Various GPU

    All items should be posted out today / tomorrow.
  14. This. Time / effort goes into tweaking mem. No point giving it all away! No screen required for XTU, never has been. The force is strong Bren!
  15. Doug2507

    Various GPU

  16. Doug2507

    Various GPU

  17. Doug2507


  18. Doug2507

    5870 lightning

    Still looking. ..
  19. Doug2507

    Various GPU

  20. For RTL on ocf just adjust the IOL tune (can't remember exact name but it's below IOL's). Stock is 21 21 when on auto. Set 21 21 manual, reboot, check rtl/iol trained correctly. Bump both in tandem one at a time till no boot then drop one. On 6320 @3840c11 1t i could run them 27 26 making 1-2 iol. (1.8vdimm). (XTU, didn't check 32m) As far as IMC goes, yes it does make a difference. On the 6320 i used for xtu i could run 3953 1t, on the 6700k that went in next i couldn't even do 3866 div on same boards. Be checking with another 6700 this weekend. Totally agree on 2 dimm board, one div higher no problem.
  21. Doug2507

    Various GPU

    1st one to pay gets em.
  22. Doug2507

    Various GPU

    Yeah sure. Can't remember off the top of my head, not golden but still decent.
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