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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. How come no ADATA guy in shot, isn't he the new WR holder Nice to meet you Cherv, HK crew are a great bunch of guys and gals
  2. Hey guys thanks. This was a group effort, the run is slow but it's the only one that finished, we came really close to a low 4m45s at 6820 at right subs and wazza but it dropped out near the end, I'll try again.
  3. Trouff, we expect you to hand out our party schedules at the Gigabyte party on Monday!
  4. Very nice work mate. It says you are on 8x PCIe though so perhaps too much grease in the slot or something. What bios are you on?
  5. If u only use 1 core you'll get 39xmulti in windows which you can adjust in GTL
  6. the real reason servers are going down! http://goanimate.com/videos/0z9Ijwm7DbLc/1?utm_source=twitter&uid=0TAdIMf_CoJY&source=goanimate.com
  7. ^^he better or he will be punished to eat and drink kimchi all week
  8. I use electric cleaner spray a lot as I've had instances of ram not clicking the same as expected which was contact issue, don't touch the back of the chip with ya greasy fingers:p but I doubt that's the issue with James as both him and I go about this sort of stuff the same way
  9. Oh God, Honda you want it to be really cheesy LMAO, how cheesy is this one
  10. They change so much we can't keep up any more
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