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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. good to see ppl playing 01 push harder mate and dig up some of the tweaks that you will need, you should be pushing mid140K with those settings without too much trouble i did a straight run and got past 143K at similar CPU clocks and stock GPU frequency
  2. ic you've been putting your foot in your mouth again Beier with that deleted comment from yesterday
  3. were you bashing companies or just pointing out flaws? im surprised anyone would ban if you just had a healthy discussion on poor marketing practices by companies.
  4. there is a registration fee now? but what about all the members that are registered now? why would it be so uneventful.... censorship???
  5. you are right. Most chips tested so far dont really scale properly past 1.8. Some chips will bench up to 1.85 from the ones ive tested. I've tested 1.9+ on a few chips at slightly lower frequency than max stable so they will take the voltage but when on the egde they drop out. it's most likely heat or possible voltage scaling. One chip needed a 1.8 to 1.92 rise for the last 100Mhz. Kinda indicative of silicone not liking more i guess lol
  6. eva2000 could fix that in a heart beat but charles chooses not to get his help, too bad ive noticed that a lot of ppl are not posting anything on there any more, it seems to be going a bit stale lately, not sure why. Ivy should have exploded with things but you can hardly find any threads...wtf
  7. yo Trans, I've added the video to the post. It will eventually become 1080p when youtube does the processing
  8. hahaha yes, this was my secret plan all along!
  9. he has a pussy body , defo need some good health insurance after that run
  10. this must be the world's easiest board to OC with if a noob like you can get results like that hehehe juuuuuuuuuuust kidding! nice one, really like UD3H. Giga always had a nice UD3 or UD4 board from way back . Roman, ditch those sticks now mate and get something with hynix or samsung from Gskill, Team, Kingston and i hear Corsair has some black magic coming soon
  11. lol yeah cause you're such a noob, i didnt test anything below 110 bclock
  12. Uncle Fester tested the pot as well, from what he's told me jjjc's assessment seems to be on the money it would be good if Reeven can take this feedback onboard and if they seriously want to do this to actually make a proper pot Petri, what is the point of you putting videos of your pot and load it can handle in competitor's product threads, do you really still feel you need to prove something lol? found UF's review at OCAU http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?t=1028249
  13. hahahah im working on the video mate, once i put it up online you can do whatever you like iwth it subscribe to dinos22 youtube channel thingie so you get updates
  14. well done boys and gals, pro has a good competitor here ic lol 6.2 turbo thats funny
  15. but remember there are 1.4 billion transistors packed in there so the heat intensity and heat transfer is important to pay attention to
  16. ivy doesnt run very hot and load is pretty small even with high volts and clocks
  17. you have to know how to control it but during wprime no, however when you warm up to CBB and go back down it can splash back hard if you pour too fast, it's manageable for normal temp control or full pot it kicks ass
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