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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. arent you an Asus guy goofball? who started that rumour anyway that's hilarious! it would have been more authentic with hyperpi result showing 1M and 1 thread
  2. so you dont want to do the testing in the community before you decide, that makes zero sense!
  3. lol i think you've shown enough pretty much everything no Celine Dion for Intel i guess
  4. and staying there as those AMD memory frequency W.R.s are impossible to beat
  5. LMAO whoever posts it on his FB page gets a cookie
  6. lol yeah i hear people are being sent to Siberia ('sif that's a punishment for overclockers right LOL)
  7. amazing RAM clocks WOW sounds a bit slow to me... whatever happened to those screenshots you had up in another thread Sam?
  8. I heard rumours that one manufacturer will have licenses for all chipsets while others will only adopt it for Z77. There also might be some companies that don't take it up at all which used here on HWBOT... This could be bad for OC community and HWBOT too if it turns out to be right and MVP is accepted for regular points. This would be one concern but HWBOT may be able to restrict it and only accept it on a platform that everyone uses it on to make things even. Second concern is the screen refresh frequency and if it impacts MVP. If so and it cannot be controlled, there will be a big problem figuring out who is putting out legit benchmarks and who isnt... There are also some concerns about how heavy it is on GPU tests and it makes scoring insignificant unless you have the highest clocked CPU. After testing with monster CPU clocks and finding that i need even more monsterous CPU clocks to really make any impact on the score (say 3DMARK Vantage or 3DMARK11) and almost bugger all from GPU clocking, I'm thinking benchmarks would have to somehow account for that...It's a tough one this last one. I am all for it personally but there are aspects that need to be right first before it is accepted.
  9. Try the gigabyte 7970OC, benched for 7 days straight with singles and 4way, all alive and well no worries Great efficiency btw
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