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Posts posted by dinos22

  1. Oh man sorry to hear that, bad luck there :(. It really sucks losing a good chip I know how you feel!


    You were playing with fire at those volts and cooling. Gigabyte boards set vcore a bit higher once you start going past 1.65, if you had a play with other boards in the past this jump would be familiar. It only happens around 1.65 in bios. This is normal. You really should have had subzero cooling for anything past 1.6 mate, I wouldnt stuff around next time no matter what board you use.


    use stock VRM unless you specifically see an improvement. I very much doubt you will see anything change on standard cooling. It might make a difference with some CPUs subzero however. Always test extensively with stock on Gigabyte first though and then gradually work your way up that's my advice.

  2. so you're maxing out at 1100 in 4way now against 1400 3way?


    I really hate 4-way SLI. "SLI connector is missing" failure is back. System was completely ok since I shut it down earlier today.


    We lost 1 day in Assembly with this issue and I really thought, that it was fixed. I just have no idea anymore.


    havent seen that before on UD9 :confused: but i have had instances of dropping one card because it just pushes out of slot slightly every now and then



    i like the look of new slim pot you guys are making, shame about the throat, why didnt you make it wider, it would have really made the pot great

  3. duck-san has experienced higher than normal CPU test scores in Vantage as he reported on XS a while ago, i remember even Gatman chiming in saying they are not records if its based on what seem to be buggy scores


    youngpro saw board giving buggy boosts in wprime at times during his benching particularly when pushing bclock


    you are obviously assuming what the scores "should" be on X58 platform also right and if what you say is true you should be able to smash your scores with the Classified easily too right, why not bench Classified? teamau score may be buggy but i unless there are a lot of scores around to compare thats hard to say, we've only done one run at 1150 in pretesting and never got a chance to bench properly as one of the cards died so it is possible for sure.


    the reason why i voted YAY in the other thread is that Heaven is just not up to par with 11 in terms of being a better benchmark yet. '11 has been changed to most of the demands we had, it is now becoming less buggy and works on SLI systems better. Heaven is a great idea and i like the fact we have an alternative but it needs to be shorter, have subtest and some ability to tweak.....so in other words replacing heaven with X '11 is what i thought would be a good idea. The more tests we add the harder it is with guys that want to seriously bench but have LN2 access issues of price problems. This is not an issue in USA, Taiwan, some places in Australia and a few other countries but it is an issue elsewhere. I think it needs to be taken into consideration when more benchmarks are added personally.

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