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Posts posted by dinos22

  1. Andre is at 6.3GHz 1250/2500/1250 (266.58) and I'm at 5.1GHz 1150/2300/1200 (275.35)


    you can see combined and physics tests are not much different. looks like the new driver is much stronger in GTs, not sure how combined will be affected


    you boys are totally missing the point of my discussion here, it originally started with "if you want to be fair then use 3DMARK11 instead of Heaven etc" to which i said hang on EVGA will have an advantage which you dont deny right. The advantage seems to be in the tweaks though from what you are trying to say.


    I personally am commenting from end user perspective and as a hwbot member wanting healthy competition. i am not trying to put a foot in the door for gigabyte or anyone here at all just simply discussing relevance of a benchmark if only one platform which no one benches on seems to have the edge. If you reckon that is not the case and that its actually some tweaks you found all good then.


    Can i ask you, how consistent is the scoring with SR2 at very high bclock? Do you see some higher than usual frame jumps like it does on Vantage or wprime?



  2. Your not getting it man :D

    It's the same as it for vantage. If you run the SAME gpu clocks in quad on an sr2 that you do on a single gulftown that is clocked higher in mhz, the gpu score is ALOT higher. 11 is similar, but not as magnified. Thats all your seeing. Like I said run 11 in quad with a single cpu system and go form 260-270 drivers then you will see the difference in your comparison.

    I'm not gonna argue that the physics test is higher on sr2, but the combined test is NOT its lower. The net effect of 1-2k higher physics score is barely anything in total score in 11 im tellin ya, its still very competitive between the two platforms. Its high mhz single cpu vs low mhz dual cpu. Much more balanced than vantage and look how close those scores are. Don't use my scores as compare:D Look at smoke/Andre


    after some testing it seems pretty clear you are scoring both physics and combined a LOT higher which is what is driving the 4way score most


    here's me at 5Ghz and ive looked at andres runs which i think he said were at 6.3Ghz and he was only 10-15% higher on last two tests.


    3DMARK11 P is pretty much like Vantage


    im running 5Ghz with 1150/2300/1200 4way here



  3. Yes software is offlimits just like MSI Afterburner extreme and these cards will work with AB also. GBT vga team as well as MSI don't release this software public for warranty reasons.


    Mods are very easy honda u can solder right. My SOC cards are modded now,, no need for software. I will provide the rest of mods you can do but really main ones are posted on XS already, ill knock up a thread when I get a chance

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