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Posts posted by dinos22

  1. i dont have any more boards left. i feel bad for such an iconic brand to die out but it's a lesson others are well aware of. i remember spending a lot of time testing abit boards i bought with my own money to try help them improve. i compiled lists of issues on support forums and hoped that someone would pay attention and care about their own product to improve but no. It was a let down. Things were sliding backwards for years and everyone gave up pretty much long before final siren went off.

  2. But isnt the point of the Benchmark that it has to "draw the 5 pictures" and the guy who does the 4 copies is a little cheater? :D

    Hasn't the point of benchmarks been to measure real world gaming performance anyway....



    If things are changing we have to TEST it first, understand what it does exactly and how it impacts every day life and then take it up or throw it away. A lot of the opinions right now are misinformed or already created with prejudice without really assessing the full picture.

  3. bob80 - it working only in apps with profile in driver, but you can make own profiles for new apps ...


    sin0822 - you are wrong, look at this :http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yQzsBYn6hXM/T0s15EaUrMI/AAAAAAAAB6A/sUpJHz2Mqko/s1600/VirtuLineup.png carefully, there is no d-GPU mode for mVP for mobile system, there is only ONE GPU (iGPU) and HyperFormance and VirtVsync still supported ...




    According to whitepaper, page2 last diagram, you have to have a discrete GPU as well as iGPU for it to work properly

  4. I think this will invigorate the bot more than anything. We are starting the new overclocking season boys, just like any sport new performance parts have come in and you just have to hang on tight :D


    people will have to rebench, so WHAT. Who needs an excuse to bench lol


    HWBOT is going to have to upgrade their servers again before April though :D, that could be a bit of a negative (or is it :D) heheh

  5. ....when you responsible for 50% of entire traffic to HWBOT on your continent (i'm pretty sad :D)


    ...when you get an electrician to add a few dedicated 20A breakers directly to your benching room


    ...when you book your flight back home from OC competition the morning you start work and proceed to look like a zombie


    ...when your vocabulary narrows down to 2 or 3 words which you repeat endlessly (EE THAI DHAN)

  6. Yes it is, here is the full list:



    BOC (e.g. UK)

    AGA (e.g. Sweden)

    Linde Gas (e.g. Germany)

    Abelló Linde (Spain)

    AFROX (e.g. South Africa)

    PanGas (Switzerland)

    CHEMOGAS (Belgium)

    TEGA (Germany)

    Spectra Gases (Now Linde North America)

    HKO - Hong Kong Oxygen (Hong Kong)

    MOX (Malaysia)

    TIG (Thailand)

    BOS (Now Linde Gaz Türkiye)

    Karbogaz (Now Linde Gaz Türkiye)

    SIGAS (Saudi Arabia)


    BOC Australia > owned by Linde people controls 70% market share in Australia




    but they are ridiculously expensive. I pay $1.2/L Delivered and they charge $6-7/L to pickup LOL

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