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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. R.E.S.P.E.T.C. chew btw massman is with silent first m damn it chew you are using the same LCD as me...........wtf u copycat Veeeeeeesta 32 lol
  2. install the silent heatpipe and have active airflow as well on it when testing/benching with 4way as it seems that you are only experiencing this issue with 4way...... it might be IOH perhaps overheating...hard for me to tell to be honest
  3. just humour me and flash to latest bios please i dont have 4xGPUs to test this. are you able to replicate this issue with less GPUs? what PSU are you running and is it a single or dual PSU setup? Have you got the molex plugged in? i noticed a brief screen corruption before the hang....what do you make of that
  4. flash it anyway how are you cooling the NB?
  5. massman you are on F1 bios from April.......update it to latest bios and retest in my last lot of Ln2 testing this bios is working well (general vantage OC.....i dont have 4xGPUs to test) GOOCUD9_no_OCP.W02
  6. you sure about that?
  7. told you that Pt1t's results were bullshit thanks for testing though....good info
  8. nice run man try the UD9 as well, who knows it might give you less headaches....
  9. benching together in australia actually just means drinking.............if you want to fire up a rig on some LN2....well fine!
  10. incredible OC from this CPU and board man
  11. me? no man i am asking for massman to just give an OK if its fine since Petri banned it in another post while massman didnt while we were in Taipei two different messages are confusing people
  12. erm ok so it was also the naked Romanians that inspired me too
  13. hey M-ass-man can you please clarify for the crowds what HWBOT's official stance is towards Unigine benchmark and gain that some overclockers are getting from downclocking bclock and PCie? is it allowed or not allowed?
  14. he made up for the drinking during GOOC hahaha massman you have an old head on those young (fat) shoulders of yours. I like what you are doing here and hope that OC community will take his seriously and work with their local Gigabyte and Msi offices and try help them if necessary to put these events on. I recently started working for Gigabyte as you know and organised the GOOC Australia. It is a very long and complicated process and all i can say is that local marketing guys need help with not only ideas but with events themselves too so i am sure the offer to help organise will come in handy. The other smart thing to do is possibly encourage local enthusiasts to create their own competitions that local offices can simply support with cash and hardware and leave it up to the enthusiasts organise the rest of sponsors, venue, competition etc (downside is less control from MSI and GBT but at least they have an event they can jump on the bandwagon) HWBOT could look at localisation of their website to specifically work with countries who are interested in perhaps having online contests or just online qualifications and pay a fee to HWBOT to organise it for them.
  15. Sampsa inspired us in many ways
  16. Congrats guys HARD CORE submission says UD9 but photos are from R3E...im guessing you forgot to take any shots of second setup in all that excitement. gotta love world records when u're on the edge
  17. I like this benchmark a lot now. it takes a lot of time to understand what its about and how to max the system. It will be a fairly high entry cost but i guess other benchmarks are no picnic either
  18. the time is a bit weird http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1043713_dinos22_pifast_core_i5_655k_14.39_sec
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