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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. I didn't mean CPU but only memory He borrowed the CPU from someone else http://ocxtreme.org/forumenus/showthread.php?p=85197#post85197 So if he borrowed it them he would have had the CPU at the time of replying to me
  2. Bill....really it isnt helping doing that man....pls dont troll are you sure that's a bug? That looks about right if you boot direct at those settings
  3. he told me on 28th (27th your time) that he cannot reproduce the video because he returned the CPU to its owner
  4. when was the second run done then? of course i know the second run was done under subzero
  5. is that a W.R.?
  6. So what happened with the result, was it removed by mods or did sam take it down? Whoever did it why was it done? Clare I will explain why i asked for a video run. Sam posted a score in the early stage of the competition with a time of 8m47s running on air cooling with 235Mhz bclock on 2:10 ratio 7-8-6. I am going to spend some time to talk about this result first Now if you've ever seriously tried to bench H55 or p55 platform even you will know how extremely hard if not impossible to actually be able to run these settings on air cooling. 2:10 ratio is the hardest ratio to run on this platform. The P55 range is also stronger and has a higher likelihood of actually achieving such OC Sam not only managed to get it up to 235 but he got the timings, ratio and a 4Ghz run out of it. Now the time. I do not think that time is possible with those settings. If he was able to hit 8m50s or so i could see that happening perhaps dip into 49 but to find another 2.5 seconds with those subtimings, well i don't think that is possible personally. I know Sam's OS and people close to me have tested it. It is nothing special and clock for clock his efficiency is no better than any decent 32M bencher. I can guarantee you that 100%. The settings he used are all doable at those clocks, George O/C questioned his TREF as it looked wild. I havent tested the tref but i have other settings and they are all doable (cold). That TREF is out of CPUTweaker range so only a bios straight boot to 235 with 2:10 would be able to give that TREF so it can be checked. That run was booted into windows at 235 as Sam was not aware of SetFSB at the time and CPU Tweaker itself does not update...it shows the bclock you boot at. NOW, no one commented on that score and it was up in the rankings for a couple of days and then it disappeared........Why? Why did Sam pull that score? Did he try to save it for the end? Was he hiding something? Some guys asked and got no response. This behaviour to me is suspicious particularly because of the circumstances in which scores were obtained with settings done on air cooling and a wild efficiency which should not be doable with those settings. I can tell you that i have actually tested my 870 during F1OC last year with 235MHz 2:10 with 7-7-6-x (YES tRCD was 7 which gains a good 3 seconds) and my time was about the same as Sam's, perhaps up to half a second faster. Things may have changed since a year ago when i did that testing too but my air testing seems slightly more efficient but certainly not to the extent this score seems to be at. I asked Sam on OCX last week to do a video of his 8m47s run and i expressed my doubts back then. I was met with the usual excuse used in the past dealings with Sam when the scores were questionable and in this case the response was that he borrowed CPUs (2) and returned them, he also sold his Corsair kit used in this run to Kovsk. Second score i have less issues with but at the same time i marvelled the 250MHz bclock and I honestly wanted to see this happen in action. I do not doubt the efficiency of that run. That time to me looks on par judging by the settings used. What is extremely tough here is just hitting that bclock on this board and why i wanted to see a video. I thought that Sam might have obtained the chip again as he also had new RAM in the new run (G.Skill). Why did Sam post 8m48s time as his final time and not 8m47s in the end that is another mystery So let's be clear about this. I did not call Sam a cheat or wanted his results removed because i doubt the results. I consider myself well versed in SuperPi and Gigabyte board overclocking to be able to tell what is and what isnt doable on the fly with some exceptions. I wanted simply some form of clarification, proof, something that I am wrong and he is right. Sam has a history of cheating unfortunately and once you do it is up to you to be as transparent as possible and not leave any doubt in people. Every time someone quizzed Sam about his results in the past the same thing would happen, typical OPB behaviour. Remove scores, shout profanities, call people out as haters, world against me, I am master and everyone else is a noob, small guy having fun against bitter opponents. This sort of behaviour only further confirms in my mind the guilt they feel and the psychological response they give off. Sam, please I beg you, borrow that CPU back and link this thread to the owner that I am asking him PLEASE to give you that chip back so you can do a video and put this case to bed. I would love to be wrong and have no problems apologising for doubting you if this truly is the case. Clare, the reason i have not asked anyone else to show me their time is that I have specifically concentrated on 4GHz category and there is no other time in that category that surprised me the least. Well maybe massman's time...that was gay but otherwise it all looked fine to me. I did do some benching with 655K on P55 board a couple of months ago and was faster clock for clock compared to Sam's first 6Ghz score he posted with less QPI but i attributed some of it possibly to being on a better platform perhaps (i was actually not even using my normal Pi OS so that run of his certainly was comprehensively beaten). One thing that was a big surprise to me is that the VRM was actually able to handle such load but seeing how many guys clocks past 6GHz with those volts it obviously wasn't a one off. Had there been only one guy with 400Mhz more clocks than the rest well that clearly would have deserved another PLEASE EXPLAIN. Is that fair? It is nice that pro has expressed a wish to repeat his run on video and that's great. If others want to join in that would be great too. I can do it myself as well no problems. Sam do the video and I am sure any of us that you feel should do one too can be done as well if you reckon someone else had results that don't match up.
  7. I am simply intrigued at the runs you've done and would love to see it happen. Why can't you borrow one of the two CPUs back and try it again? Give it a try at least.
  8. Sam please provide video evidence of the 8m47s run claimed to have been done on air cooling which you pulled a couple of weeks ago as well as the current run in the 4Ghz category.
  9. quite a bit means what exactly heheh you are right that this run is very efficient. Youngpro had same efficiency with his 6.4GHz run but he did not have these system settings that cookie is sporting
  10. wazza at those clocks can cost you 50Mhz + stability so you might actually be faster without it due to raw speed much the same as Andre's magic Windows 7 32M benching hahah you two clowns Sam have you ever wasted time doing wazza without maxmem on all your borrowed and sold hardware?
  11. impressive benching after only second session
  12. 15 hours left who's holding onto backups, who's still looking to bench
  13. look pretty good Ross you gonna try push some more?
  14. hear hear....oh wait how many girls actually OC.... Clare you are looking pretty strong to take this one out with whatever you want hahahaha
  15. if u're after F6a it's here http://forums.tweaktown.com/gigabyte/28441-gigabyte-latest-bios.html usually all bios updates are there
  16. i tried it same as F5b for me in terms of clocks and stability
  17. im benching this weekend between both of my kids birthdays sometime lol
  18. nickshih putting the hammer down
  19. Wow thanks man but we are a bunch of jokers too that don't take themselves too seriously heheh Distances are pretty bad...here is how far the rest of team au guys are from me Youngro 1400km Kayl 4500km Eva2000 1000km U F 4500km T_M 6000km Bob(nz) 7000km Eeeeek wish we could get together more often as we have a lot of fun.
  20. might be some kinda M.Beier virus I dont trust your link
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