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Everything posted by Predator

  1. when your OC buddies think about going to palo palo is not such a bad idea
  2. OMG!!! palo palo??
  3. i told you, i was covered with wonderland blanket with flowers and fences all over
  4. oh send that to me haha i will be pumpimg iron till next event, so be prepared for arm-wrestling
  5. i'd so much would love to go, but i have to check prices first, if everything is "affordable" i will be in
  6. Damn, first the pic in "wonderland tiny bed" and now this, i can see all my reputation going down the tubes yeah that persian restaurant had some really nice meals, i could eat all in 5 minutes finally i'm back at home, hell it has been a long trip, Germany-Spain is about 3 hours and i spent all day to being sit in front of my computer haha cheers
  7. thanks for the pics Roman that last one is epic, i don't even remember that picture
  8. LOL!! why i'm always pictured with the eyes like garfield yeah first day i was feelinng like a flower, second day i woke up like if i had spent all night long in "palo-palo" xDD who has the arm-wrestling pictures? that was fun
  9. hi all , i'm waiting for my flight already in Hannover airport it has been great to meet you all, and so nice to meet first time some of you as well, i had so many laughs as usual see you guys next time!!
  10. lol at the pic, Petri told me you come to our place there's plenty of room with huge and comfortable beds, that suspicious guy... @Kenny don't worry hehe, i woke up like a flower
  11. waiting at Madrid airport for my flight to Hannover Monstru, man i was hoping to have some beers with you!! bad news you can't attend , next time though for your info, i just got a mail from CeBit that Hannover transit will be on a strike tomorrow (Thursday) , Massman, i think it would be useful to post the alternatives that they have put for us, i guess everyone should have that info on the mail though, what you think? i will arrive tonight, so everybody stay away from beer till then
  12. already got my pass ticket, thanks Monstru and M.Beier for the info
  13. unlocked performance
  14. when you have enough junk on your bed to build at least 6 computers but you still sleep in the border (instead doing a clean-up ) edit: happend to me only when i was single
  15. filling my 26l dewar will cost me no less than 150€ plus 2 hours round-trip, if i want to go and find Linde the closest one is about 450km so go figure out putting into balance the house, fees, food , etc, 200€ or 300€ max is what i can save every month if i have no extra charge, then go waste half of that for an evening LN2 session when you find out the board or CPU has cold bug LN2 is very expensive for me, that's why i only see it at Campus Party and such
  16. cool!! bed'n'budget here as well
  17. installed user id: PredatorOCX
  18. awesome, also this way if you plug the fan to the cpu fan power plug on the motherboard you will ensure the fan will run at full rpms, that's brilliant
  19. lol that's the best t-shirt ever it should say instead "killed with ease by UD9" i remember how the UD9 killed 2 GPUs and the PSU when we tried to go 4 way SLI -UD9: chepo PSU detected, these noobs are going to learn the hard way fortunately non of us touched the board while the execution, otherwise we'd still being suffering the casualties news: "here lies the noob who tried to kill a UD9"
  20. you know UD9 needs no f(l)ucking pins not even caps around the socket to work
  21. oh never heard about that one i will check it out
  22. when you short the wrong pins and kill your motherboard
  23. overclocking is the way how Chuck Norris powers on a computer
  24. i think your first idea was perfect, everyone can use whatsupp and i guess it will be wi-fi access in CeBit heh we could just type down our numbers so all attendees can have them?
  25. The further place i travelled for an OC event was Finland as well, i think it was around 350€ for flights, it was really worth the money though For distance i wouldn't mind if it's really worth to, i'm considering to go Computex and the "cheapest" fligths are 30+ hours trip with stops, that's pretty insane, but i "have to go" one year
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