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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. Don't worry Euklidis, I think it's due to Greek > English > Dutch translation.
  2. Voted for seperation. The idea has been floating around in the crew quarters for a longer time, as SF3D stated. It will not be easy to define the splitup, as if we do not think it through thoroughly, it might end up as the F1 competition. All parties need to agree: "pro" overclockers, manufacturers, and the community. And we need time & money to implement it. @Benchzowner: stop with the sarcastic and negative attitude, it's not constructive nor helpful. Rules need to be defined clearly, so massman's point is very valid.
  3. What do you mean? There already have been 460 submissions with an p2 x6 1090T: http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/phenom_ii_x6_1090t_be
  4. Erh, your account is locked. What did you do to piss off a mod?
  5. Remind me, what was the issue with your account?
  6. - edit - We have discussed it with GIGABTE Serbia and they agreed to drop the videocard limitation for 2D benches. Hooray! Thanks GIGABYTE. :nana:
  7. It has been a long time since I looked at the signature wizards, let me take a look.
  8. So, I see from your avatar that you encountered a bug?
  9. I see, my appologies. Now 1 -> 9 is correct, but #20 gets the points #10 is supposed to have (5pts).
  10. Which list? This one? http://hwbot.org/community/team/freeocen?tab=members This list is ranked by member points, and as you don't participate in the rankings you're not listed.
  11. We do relay the feedback of the community to the manufacturer, chuchnit, but in the end they still may make the rules of their own competitions. And they are well in their right, they keep the gears turning.
  12. I spy with my little eye... http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_4_d_925
  13. Let it go, Massman. We provide the infrastructure for manufacturers to hold competitions, we don't make the rules. If we are going to take all critic on manufacturer competitions personally we are going burn out from stress within a year.
  14. Do you have this problem only for the submission page? Anyone else experiencing this issue?
  15. Do you have an incredible slow internet connection or do you try to upload 12 megapixel pictures?
  16. javascript you mean? Can you make a screenshot?
  17. You have a problem when making a submission with screenshots attached? What exactly happens when you click submit?
  18. First select no team in profile, and then there should be a create new team option on the left.
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