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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. I see they have been added. Good for 55 WR points.
  2. Those are scanned forum submissions back from the early days. They don't receive points if they are not coupled to a user account. I'll filter them.
  3. Fixed, thanks! @Turrican: it was done to accomodate people width 1280*1024 or lower resolutions. Otherwise there are too many tabs to display.
  4. His accounts where merged, this is just a result of a bad merge. I've deleted it.
  5. George_o/c, I just tried submitting using your login as an administrator, and it worked fine... did you change your nickname?
  6. George_o/c, did you change your nickname to something exotic in the past few weeks? I can't find "George_o/c" in the database.
  7. Ah, so you're the one who's been throwing errors in the server logs. Weird that it happens to you know and not before. Let me check.
  8. You can fix the text in the attachment, I haven't had time to apply the other fixes you suggested. : /
  9. Looks fine on my small screen now, how does it look on a big screen? http://hwbot.org/community/team/pure?tab=members
  10. Ok, changed. The notifications are more informative now. A downside was that they were not compatible with old notifications, so I had to delete the existing ones.
  11. You got a big ass monitor, Turrican. There are some visual glitches when using such high resolutions, which are hard for me to check as I don't have such a monitor. I'll improve the screen you posted, thanks.
  12. You can select the amount of cores... so you can perfectly follow the 1x GPU 3DMark rankings with an AMD processor. But I guess you wanted seperate global points for AMD processors? We never promised that... you misunderstood.
  13. Finding and memorizing the (exotic) rankings is quite resource intensive, that's why it's limited to the top 10. Want more? You buy the next server.
  14. http://hwbot.org/hardware/manufacturer/amd?tab=3D%20rankings http://hwbot.org/hardware/manufacturer/intel?tab=3D%20rankings Features added: regions, country rankings, team rankings, manufacturer rankings, hardware rankings, notifications, achievement info pages, wr points, and more. I'm sorry you find that stupid. @Turrican: better now?
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