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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. Yes, very fun to play with. Especially the cooling type & picture filter are my favourite. Only a pitty so few people submit youtube videos though.
  2. Doh! The files Massman uplaoded already had the wrong character set. ( I've uploaded them myself and have been verified to be correct. Tip: AFAIK notepad can not handle exotic characters, so use ultraedit/wordpad/etc.
  3. It means your editor (wordpad) does not handle UTF-8 characters well, or that the character encoding was lost between us and you. The "ascii check" line should look like this: # on ascii check: ’ ©˙øµ˜µπ
  4. I've had a few complaints about the new ranking & filter, so I improved it in rev3.6. Improved it a lot.
  5. Weird. You do find it if you start typing "Mobile K8" though.
  6. Will try new version asap, thanks for putting effort in this cool benchapp. Your post does not render properly here either, but only your post and only in IE7. Wtf?
  7. Aaah good catch, George! I've upgraded the database connector library on the test server, which had a bugfix related to this issue. That might have solved the issue too. If you have spare time George, would you be so kind to try to upload a problematic [] submission on the test server and let me know whether it succeeded? http://hwbot.org:12080
  8. I'll need to add a new quicksearch field for that. Autocomplete pron FTW.
  9. 160Mhz core is weak, when I was your age back in 2002 I reached 177Mhz! http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?p=12281#post12281 Unfortunatly there was no HWBOT back then. : /
  10. Probably with/without WR points. Let me check... - edit - indeed, the total on the team page does not display WR points. I shall include it in the next patch.
  11. That's intended behavior (as the user rank may change if he changes score, app, cpu, gpu, etc), but it's also intended that rank is recalculated shortly after. That does not happen?
  12. Yes, no one ever complained about the wprime record holder. ; )
  13. Edit submissions *should* work it just has bugs in it... if you can pinpoint the problematic scenario's I can fix them.
  14. Editting is used for correcting mistakes, not submitting a score. Use submit & prepopulate function for a new score.
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