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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. France, Greece and Poland all had 1 submission to few to get a top 3 average. : / Oh well, still 60 points to gather in the next 6 stages.
  2. Good thing you noticed, this submission was linked to the competition but not to the stage somehow. I fixed this, and am looking how this could have happened...
  3. thanks for reporting this issue. You can temporarely fix this by renaming the file of the screenshot you are trying to upload to sth shorter. T
  4. OC it, take a screenshot and wait with submitting till next week wednesday.
  5. Darn, I need 4Ghz to improve the top 3 avg of belgium... hey, does anyone mind if I testrun one of k|ng|pn's cpu units? j/k
  6. You need 3 submissions to have a top 3 average... otherwise it would not be fair to other teams if you could just submit one really good one. Go and find 2 countrymen which also have a Core 2 Quad!
  7. You mean other overclockers don't watch youtube while benching?
  8. If you include a correct screenshot, your submission is valid too.
  9. I've disabled the right column for the country cup page, does it look better in IE8?
  10. I know, we dropped IE6 a few months ago.
  11. I have no ie8. Is only the competition page screwed up in ie8, or more?
  12. The cooling units are done. Very, very nice work if I may say so.
  13. CEST, that's +1GMT (not taken daylight saving time into account). The competition starts at 00:00h, so that's in 4 hours.
  14. You were already linked with HOT, but your forum account was indeed not linked properly. It is now. Log out on hwbot.org, and log back in. Everything should be working.
  15. I'm working on this, but there is a licencing problem with a technology I want to use... once this is solved I can move on and make the team sig.
  16. It is superpi 1m, do not trust anything I say I'll edit that news post asap
  17. I tought alphabetical wasn't that bad anyway, this change was done for performance reasons. Didn't you notice the dropdown loads a lot faster than it used to be?
  18. We have let 6 cooling pots made to order (with sweet HWBOT.org engraving ). The top 3 submitters of the winning country get to choose one, than the top 2 submitters of the second country gets to choose one, and the best submitter of the third country gets what's left over. We could say the winning country gets CPU pots, 2nd country gets GPU pots and 3rd country gets NB pots, but the fact is many people already have a CPU/GPU/NB pot, so we let them choose.
  19. Cool, we can start a game on hwbot. For submissions with pictures, "name that cooler/case/..."
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