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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. I actually think it's pretty fair at the moment. If you start handing out too many awards they tend to lose their meaning. We have been thinking about giving a little more hardware points for extremely popular cpu/gpu's, but it's not high on our priority list.
  2. He seems to have exploited a bug in hwbot and assigned the picture to 4 more innocent submissions before he was banned. : /
  3. Submission deleted and member banned. He was warned by the hwbot crew and i guess this is his response. Very mature.
  4. No worries, it's fixed. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=843733
  5. Like jmke said, I'm the coder of hwbot and I haven't overclocked something since the Athlon XP days. I trust hwbot's moderators decision.
  6. Before the rules were written down for each bench app, the rule was that you need a clear screenshot, including cpu-z and rivatuner or alike. The linked submission does not have a very clear screenshot. If you think the submission is suspicious (and i would agree with you), just report it. We want to filter out the submissions which are incorrect, not those who have small verification issues but seem perfectly fine.
  7. The summerized rules page is indeed from the 20th january this year. The rules page for benchmark submission is from 15 may 2008, so that's nearly a year old. There has never been a specific news post for subtests because it has been in the rules since they were first published. I know you don't read the rules each time you submit a score, but you should have read them once. Don't take it personal, we have nothing to gain by blocking scores. FFS, even some of my scores are blocked and I am the owner of this project. eg: http://hwbot.org/benchmark.application.info.do?applicationId=2#rules
  8. Summary of all rules (contains updates): http://hwbot.org/hwbot.post.do?postId=1038 Updates : http://hwbot.org/searchNews.do?title=rules Please keep in mind we do not block for the fun of it. We try only to block when a submission is not 100% according to the rules and it has been reported or is suspicious, or is in the top 20.
  9. I didn't get any response from the maker of the app. Does someone know him?
  10. I've been thinking of swithing hwbot to X25-E drives too. Our main bottleneck is de database.
  11. His scores seem to add up just fine: http://hwbot.org/listResults.do?userId=18870 Total is 14.1: http://hwbot.org/searchMembers.do?userId=18870&name=waoula You are aware he has 3 vantage scores blocked to to use of physx drivers?
  12. Indeed, this is not a bug. Only your best submission per benchmark gets global points, with the exception for videocard related rankings. You can get both global points for one single as for one sli submission.
  13. lol, weird bug! Looking into it : )
  14. I think it's a caching issue. Does the problem fix itself after a few hours?
  15. Yes please rephrase, i don't understand it either.
  16. I agree with SF3D. As soon as a benchmark can not produce reliable results anymore due to new technology, it's obsolete. PCM05 was obviously not designed with SSDs in mind.
  17. Problem an issue with 3DMark03 not working well with Windows 7 beta?
  18. There is a poll in the private section going on, the outcome will decide whether we make an exception for ancient videocards in 3DMark01 or not.
  19. Okay, option 'B' has the most votes, so this is the way we will implement it. It's a pitty, because it's more work than option 'A'. ; )
  20. Haha, i should put a warning message on the button to remove the team captain rights. I gave you two your captain rights back.
  21. The "Could not retrieve connection info from pool" error means the server is temporarly overloaded. Try again in a few minutes...
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