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Everything posted by richba5tard

  1. The hickup causes data corruption, which I need to fix manually.
  2. There was a database server crash. The 4th in a few months time. Luckely, our new database server arrived, but Dell forgot to supply the rack rails. We are waiting for the rack rails so we can replace the old and broken server.
  3. Is that bench table home made? Very nice & clean! I like H2O setups!
  4. Yes, very well done Topalof! Congrats! I appreciate it too you didn't play the backup game, it makes competitions more fun to follow. @jmax_oc: we are experimenting with different methods to promote early submissions.
  5. hwNOT's submissions have been removed. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?p=4153915#post4153915
  6. No, that submission is being checked atm. We asked the creator of CPU-Z whether this is technically possible.
  7. Massman & me are brainstorming with options on how to prevent this last minute submissions. Splitting up the competition in 7 stages like the Country Cup is one way to do it. Anyway, the submissions of hwNOT are being scrutenized atm. One of the screens have an error, and he did not supply a picture of his overclocking rig (air cooling shown while cpu was cooled with LN2) so he may be disqualified.
  8. Slim, it think they will be replaced with other benchmarks rather than the resolution to be upped.
  9. Only at hwbot you can get blocked for a too slow submission.
  10. Hybrid CF should go under the fastest card of the two, so 2x5970.
  11. Incorrect, they may exist if they check the "does not participate in hwbot rankings" box. They will not be able to abuse points if they check the box.
  12. Hi, They are in the same league. We are ok with multi person profiles, as long as they don't share results with their personal profile (or do not have a personal profile...), or when they do not participate in the hwboint rankings.
  13. I think Poland is about to drop a bomb. They are 1 submission short of 31k avg, that would put them first.
  14. Did you use autocompletion? If you type something without choosing a videocard from the dropdown, the system will not accept it.
  15. This was indeed the part of the logic that was accidentally released to rev2 instead of rev3. But don't worry about this effect, it's meaningless without the other changes in rev3.
  16. I found the issue. I accidentally commited some code to the hwbot v2 branch while it should have gone to v3. Points are back...
  17. Hmmm yes, the effect is the same as 2 weeks ago, when the database crashed, but I don't seem to find the broken table. I'm looking into this...
  18. Yes, Dell is slow with their delivery... There was indeed a hickup, but this should be solved in +- 30 minutes after next calculation.
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