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Everything posted by littleboy

  1. Dear All guys! I did uploaded the pics of moa2013 in the korea-web site. Just Enjoy!!! http://www.coolenjoy.net/bbs/boardc.php?id=review&no=16541&page=1&num=3378&board=review&ss=0&sc=0&sn=0&keyword=&qa=0&ga=&cat=0&vote=0 http://www.coolenjoy.net/bbs/boardc.php?id=review&no=16543&page=1&num=3378&board=review&ss=0&sc=0&sn=0&keyword=&qa=0&ga=&cat=0&vote=0 http://www.coolenjoy.net/bbs/boardc.php?id=review&no=16545&page=1&num=3378&board=review&ss=0&sc=0&sn=0&keyword=&qa=0&ga=&cat=0&vote=0
  2. Yah, My cpu was died again. Haha.. End the competition, all guys have a good job. Congratulation, Cherv!!
  3. massman, the problem is fixed. GJ.
  4. i mean that i did type the first name of memory product! then in the empty space the product list does't show anthing! so, i can't fill out the specification of memory's name! for example, if i did type the string of 'k', kingston or kingmax should be show! but now it doesn't show anything!
  5. Doesn't show the memory product list or power supply product list. so, I can't submit the result for this competition. Please fix it.
  6. awesome bro~~~ What is the memory?
  7. the new one is very good! The god help u.
  8. In this week, the prize arrived in my office. Thanks so much. Asrock! Gainward GTX760 2GB Kingston 1866Mhz CL9 8GB ( 4GB x 2 ) Kingston 64GB Stick Memory
  9. Thanks for your help.. I will try it.
  10. thanks massman. How was the new of pscheck??
  11. Great Result! Gyrock san.. How much is the vcc-in voltage?
  12. Good Job! Thanks for sharing the preview.
  13. Great Result!! Can you share the beta bios to me?
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