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Everything posted by Nik

  1. Yes everyody have the same limit, thats a Giga z370 prob
  2. [quote] To mods, sorry I missed that 5001 one. Please remove my scores here My last score the 154k here have shown 4993 hwbot: http://hwbot.org/submission/3835592 futuremark : https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/26160658 [/quote] thats perfekt,n1
  3. Alva one prob, valid 3mark 5001, shit, good for use^^
  4. nice stage, limited by the igp vcore with 1,4v , nice run alva ;)
  5. Thx, the igp vcore its the Limit with 1,4v ?! No idea
  6. ok thanks, big thx for the moderated
  7. Big thx, all ok puhhh............ Nice Cup, thx for all
  8. Hi, i search a good 2100 Cl12 Kit, have you one ?
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