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Everything posted by Nik

  1. Hi, neueste Version drauf ?
  2. Nik


    Hi Roman, wie sind die Pläne^^ Bin eigentlich ganz gerne fürs Luxx Team unterwegs, deshalb meine Frage. Gruß Nik
  3. Dann aber mal schell Köpfen da muss mehr gehen
  4. Hi, thats the final scores? Greez and THX for the Moderation
  5. Thats not easy when the the site down or very slow, i hope little problems , pics or what ever can change it.
  6. Site is down, that was not so nice for the last Backups Next Cup I ad a day before the end of the Scores high.
  7. .......nice effi
  8. .................German beer makes big scores easier^^ with alcohol^^
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