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Everything posted by superpatodonaldo

  1. nice start, and if replace 3dm11p gpu score with a gpupi 1b (e.g.) the scores will be good also for the HD5770 rankings
  2. K, btw I have no more the FX-8150 and the mobo is for sale
  3. never utilized AMD ov, turboV doesn't work correctly on C4E
  4. x18 multiplier. Once set in bios it is no possible to change on this platform, community should know...
  5. my personal thought is that 3 rounds could be interesting, 1 or 2 month for each round (3 stages for every round as in the past e.g.); also more rounds, if including vega integrated gpus, maybe with a ryzen superpi32m stage
  6. so not a single round as in the past? I wrote about the previous cheapaz cpus to confirm the style comp: cheap vga, 3d (or gpu-based) benchs for 2020 do you propose 3 cheapaz rounds with 3 different vgas?
  7. sorry but I don't understand; for the incoming cheapaz cup you propose to use [one among GT210 GTS450 GTX550Ti GTX950] OR [HD5770=HD6770]?
  8. afraid about rankings? so recalculate the rankings dividing the result by the price of the cpu or mobo or vga... I think this (is) could be OC spirit just my thought
  9. why not 3dmark2003 (with max cpu freq fixed)?
  10. FX-8150 SOLD bump for C4E and 7640X, also have a TridentZ RGB kit 2x8GB 4266 19-19-19
  11. GTS 210: do you mean GT 210?
  12. bump for: - FX-8150 only cpu 50 euro - Asus Crosshair IV Extreme with box 90 euro - i5-7640X (added 20 01 2020) cb r15 5,0/4,5 v core 1,16v llc1 on OCF 130 euro
  13. Cheapaz chips season 1 GT710: catzilla 576p + 3dm01 + gpupi 1b Cheapaz chips season 2 GT1030 and cpu freq max 5003MHz: 3dm03 + gpupi 1b + UHX Cheapaz chips season 3 Cedar core and quad-core freq max 5003MHz: SD (GPU) + UHB + 3dm06 + 3dm11e (GPU) Personally like this style to for cheapaz cup, cheap vga and 3d / gpu-based benchs About 3000G maybe an idea could be ADD another cup Vega integrated gpus & Ryzen cpus; 2d result per core (so can use athlon 2/4c and ryzen 5 4/8c) and 3d result per Vega 3 / 8 / 11
  14. superpi (also a Ryzen stage) 3dmark03
  15. I am not able to run benchmate on win7, what could be the problem? I only can run wprime out of benchmate https://hwbot.org/submission/4334081_superpatodonaldo_wprime___32m_core_i7_7740x_4sec_602ms?recalculate=true
  16. 5GHz water and 2020 division, no other test https://hwbot.org/submission/4308814_superpatodonaldo_3dmark11___performance_2x_geforce_gtx_580_11467_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4281546_superpatodonaldo_catzilla___576p_radeon_r9_290x_24500_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4281542_superpatodonaldo_cinebench___r15_fx_8150_750_cb
  17. G3258 shippped i5-7640X added
  18. G3258 on hold, tridentz rgb sold
  19. please give me the address and I'll check
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