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Everything posted by Gunslinger

  1. Just ship me a container of your goodies and I'll distribute in the US for you. :celebration: Seriously
  2. It depends upon where the temperature drifts off. Is it 20+ degrees off at -70C or is it 20+ degrees off only at -170C ? There is no real way to know unless you can test it against a known good probe. That is why I stick with the probes that I trust.
  3. Temps can vary drastically with different probes, reality is that at idle most of the dice users are at the same temperature, under load it will vary with voltage and the CPU being cooled. This is the probe I use, typically within a couple degrees of -196C when submerged in LN2. http://www.flukeonlinestore.com/750422.html
  4. Temps are right in line with DICE, the slow base might help you out a little bit with heavy CPU loads. Also, I don't think its necessary to crush it up so fine, smaller chunks or pellets will work just as well.
  5. I go through >500 liters per month When 980 Ti samples came in, I was using around 300 liters a week.
  6. You have to work them at little, they started me at $1 per liter, then tried to raise it to $1.69 per liter about 6 months later. Then I found an alternate vendor for $1 per liter, was there for a while, then blackmailed the original vendor and voila $0.38 a liter. :celebration:
  7. If they give you any crap about the amount of my purchasing quantities, my price is the same whether I bring in all my dewars (2x 50l, 1x 35l and 1x 30l) or just the small one.
  8. PM me your email address and I can send you receipts for my rate of $0.38/liter.
  9. Selling: 2x lightly used Matrix GTX 980's - no LN2 usage, only on air in a gaming machine. Newegg link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121908 2x4GB lightly used G.Skill DDR4 Newegg link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231904 Prices: GPU: $400 shipped per card. RAM: $75 shipped PayPal is the preferred method of payment. International buyers are welcome, but are responsible for all shipping and customs fees. Heatware: http://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=61643 Pics:
  10. That looks like good contact to me, IMO you put a little too much on there. Have you checked the contact between the core and the IHS? When I used eraser I did not put any in the area inside the hold down bracket, I just used shop towel.
  11. What did your TIM contact patch look like, that picture will tell everything. And what TIM did you use?
  12. Selling: 2x XFX Alpha Dog 8800 GT 512's I bought for the 8800 competition at OCN, I ended up also ended up getting 2x GTS cards and will use those instead. Therefore these 2 need to go. I bought them from EBay last week. Both cards are fully functional. Price: $45 shipped, per card. I'm only asking for what I have into them and no more. PayPal is the preferred method of payment. No accessories and no warranty provided for cards this age. Heatware: http://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=61643
  13. Just noticed I attached the wrong screenshot to this submission, I'll fix it when I get home from work later today.
  14. That might be due to the extreme rarity of 6.2GHz 5960X's
  15. Did the score scale at all with the higher GPU clocks? I'm curious because I don't think my 980's can run that high on air.
  16. Down!
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