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Everything posted by DopeLex

  1. I think so too. Would be great if you can see hardware points in the own profile.
  2. Not really fixed: http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2178124_dopelex_pcmark7_core_i5_750_5079_marks/ Not my score, i have neither a P55 system nor a Sandforce SSD. I didn't uploaded anything in the last weeks.
  3. @ Massman Could you please change the country of our team "Freeocen" to Germany? Everytime i try to change it, it does not work - cause of that, we are not list in country ranking of germany and we don't have a country on profile-page.
  4. Restrict here, restrict there - as i mentioned before: tell us what to bench. That sounds so weird, especially for hardware points. Everything what get points has to be ranked. Doesn't matter if cpu or gpu. Why to restrict everything? Makes no sense in my eyes. There are allways people how are better in 2D and some how are better in 3D. Why they have to do both to obtain a good rank in hardware masters ranking? That makes absolutely no sense in my eyes. Then you can tell us what you like that we bench and the next step is only give a rank for challenges. I'm sorry and it's okay, that everyone has an idea, but if that comes: hwbot definitly would loose hundreds of members. I'm not the only one who thinks so, because we are a community, and isn't that what counts and isn't to do that what the community want's???
  5. +1 Why hwbot/Massman doesn't tell us, what you want us to bench? That is the biggest crap i ever heard, when talking about changes to hwbot. >:-(
  6. Easy solution for all problems: no points for nothing - first point on to-do-list for Rev. 5, which probably comes next year... Then everyone can bench what he/she wants to bench. No need for leagues, no need for screens, no need for hwbot?!? Is that the way it goes?!? ;-)
  7. Congrats - great result. I'm counting the days until we'll see 136k. SB + GB ftw. ;-)
  8. After last update it seems that everyone lost hardware points (hardware master ranking). E.g. i lost round about 70 Points, Lex_ lost ~ 330 Hardware-Points, RoccoESA lost ~ 740 hardware points.... why that? Is it a bug or a feature? ;-)
  9. This should be valid, AMD CPU's and CPU-z doesn't work very well together. There are many AMD result's rejected, even the Top-Scores in popular categories. E.g.: http://www.hwbot.org/community/submission/1079917_241793184_cpu_z_phenom_ii_x6_1055t_6327.85_mhz => all score's in Top5 are rejected.
  10. Nice Run but hope you have a backup. ;-) Got SS today. :-D
  11. Nice Run but hope you have a backup. ;-) Got SS today. :-D
  12. Hehe unfortunately the E8400 won't go higher - tried everything on both RE's - no chance with water and no time for Dice. It's a pity that no german member with a E8500 or E8700 joined this stage - would be nice and surely a real challenge with Greece for 1st place.
  13. Thx - will check the Cellshocks within the next days - maybe something under 9.50.xxx is possible.
  14. Nice score, will try to beat the score after lunch :-D
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