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Everything posted by DopeLex

  1. Yeap - the good not much voltage liking kit (great english - german mix ) Not really sure why, because it ran like hell before my benching timeout around 2 years ago. Some month later: no boot on any board - both sticks dead. Your both are lucky men.
  2. I wouldn't do it in another way - will never the sell my Board - just the best Board i ever had - gave me so much Points and fun. So it has already an idealistic value for me. Aaaahhhh - the good black Cellshocks (GTR) - i have a kit too and also a yellow GTS ballistix Kit but how i said - both dead, not even one stick is fuc**** working anymore.
  3. Not my choice in this case - BadBoy is ViNG, not otherwise can't go to bed - at least today wanna stay in 1st place. Funny thing - commented your sub at the same time. On cold CPU something around 670-690 should be possible (it's the board i used for REX' Ref-Clock ranking) but also lack of time - have to work tomorrow and don't know when i'm back at home and if then is enough time left for SS without disturbing the neighbours. And further more - the CPU degenerated. Think that this will be not enough for Top3.
  4. I love this Boards too - it's fun to play around with the good "old" stuff again - nice to see that there are so much RE's "alive". You even have some working Micron D9GT's i see - wanna sell?! Unfortunately my Kits don't work anymore. GTR/GTS - best choice for this Boards.
  5. Good idea - would be really nice.
  6. So for a counting result, both have to be equal respectively even if the validation is higher, only the screenshoted result counts - if understand right?!
  7. Short question about stage 5: is it enough, that we make a screenshot with the competition background at any frequency and than validate a suicide shot or do we need a screenshot and the validation at the same clocks (no suicide)?
  8. Nice start Holger - looking forward....
  9. Sounds very weird - i don't have this issue with 1T and tRRSR. http://img.hwbot.org/u12805/image_id_845986.jpeg But nevertheless - also had probs to get the fuc**** SPi32M stable - on both CPU's. Finally only volts helped - with the 2600K i also had to finetune VCCIO und VCCSA on MVF while on UD7 everything ran at stock (not auto ) except VCore and PLL.
  10. Hypers running definitely worse than on P67. Tested on MVF and GB P67-UD7. On the M5F i need much more voltage than on the UD7 (1100-8-8-7-21-1T@1.68V vs. 1.75V) but my Performance is equal with both Boards (just tested this weekend with SPi32M@5Ghz). If i try to change the tertiary timings in windows -> also instant freeze. If i change in Bios -> error 55. Tested with Celeron G465 and 2600K. Conclusion: go and buy BBSE or PSC.
  11. Great Score - congratz. My idea for i-RAM: probably as drive to start wPrime from - so no or small latency in "writing" the results - maybe the limiting factor from a specific performance-level upwards (CPU has to wait for calculation cause of writing and displaying the next values).
  12. Thx Gluvo - benching is quite fun with this small cheap CPU's and finally some variety from the whole GPU benching. I agree with you - my 1x and 2x Scores were done with very unusual CPU's and low clocks. But in conclusion - this "small" CPU's have surprisingly a good performance compared with high clocked older Generations.
  13. Thats no bad thing - so it's the first benchmark, where you don't need the most expensive hardware to compete with the "pro's", even when these guys don't want to see and hear this. And it becomes hardware related again, when everyone uses the tweaks - then nobody has an advantage and benching with "weak" hardware will not gain better scores comapared with "strong" hardware if everyone is "forced" to use the same software-settings.
  14. Thx gluvocio :-) I will wait for the wrapper for SingleStage run. I don't want that the whole work is obsolete in a few weeks. But then i am confident for a good run. :-) The only left bottleneck is the OnBoard Raid but a areca card is much to expensive cause of that nobody really knows what the future of PCM05 brings.
  15. Bug driver - disallow, only reproducable on AMD, no real world performance. MA and audio either allow and integrate in wrapper or disallow completely. My opinion.
  16. That sounds good for me. Wrapper with tweaks integrated, so everyone has the same chances and all the currently uploaded scores are not obsolete and it isn't necessary to delete them - that saves much time for the moderators and the upcoming scores are based on the same tweaks and software-settings.
  17. Thx Holger - was a good run. Unfortunately cause of the unclearance of the current situation, i won't setup my SingleStage for a 5.7Ghz run - but i want to do.
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