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Everything posted by ksateaaa23

  1. An HWBOT moderator, "websmile", has blocked one of your submitted scores. It has marked one of your submissions as 'insufficient verification'. This was the reason the user gave: Please check rules, pi calculation is done tab is mandatory, insufficient verification You can view your result here: http://hwbot.org/submission/2895519_ksateaaa23_gpupi_for_cpu___1b_fx_6300_6min_10sec_455ms dear sir, this gpu pi submission date is 16th of june. from 1st week of june all gpu pi submissions will not have pi calculation ok tab because we can upload the screenshot or save data file after cliking ok on pi calculation done. all submission before month of june should have pi calculation tab is fine. i think this explains the issue. you can check any recent submission. regards, k.satesh kumar ksateaaa23
  2. after 3 days of hard work continuously failed 7 times to install xp[every time installation goes well till system reboots for completion of installation, then error loading os-tried all tricks i know in recovery console like chkdsk,fixmbr,fixboot.............failed to complete installation], i have successfully installed windows vista on a slot 1 motherboard running with 384 mb of sd ram and processor running at 300mhz. later i found that this motherboard m6twg has a jumper to increase the fsb to 100 from 66. and then a bit of overclock to reach 464mhz. finally cpu-z just hangs at dmi and i have to keep it zero in config. file to complete the cpu verification. finally cpu-z couldn't identify the motherboard and also couldn't identify pci card fx-5500. still lot of work to do.
  3. biostar m6twg is the motherboard. cpu z could identify the chipset as 810. i have attached enough screenshots of software/hardware to confirm the motherboard as M6TWG - BIOSTAR. http://valid.canardpc.com/gxarbr
  4. biostar m6twg is the motherboard. cpu z could identify the chipset as 810. i have attached enough screenshots of software/hardware to confirm the motherboard as M6TWG - BIOSTAR. i dont have any experience of slot 1. is it ok? pl.check the submission of reference clock 103.06
  5. biostar m6twg is the motherboard. cpu z could identify the chipset as 810. i have attached enough screenshots of software/hardware to confirm the motherboard as M6TWG - BIOSTAR
  6. don't want to experiment with socket A. First time using this socket along with my first hdd [ide drive] and first ram sticks. just going with defaults.
  7. unable to submit aquamark result with hd 7660d and g-skill ram.[division v].
  8. i have many score s of 177k to 179k aquamark with a10-5800k and g.skill trident x memory. but i wasn't able to submit them. after saving the file when i try to upload score i get error, "invalid data file: unable to parse" etc....... i have submitted aquamark with kingston 1866mhz memory but score is in between 159k to 169k. how to fix this? i have tried to run g.skill memory with different speeds, enable/ disable xmp etc. but still can't submit score.
  9. wish you happy birthday

  10. i have geforce 6200 agp 8x card 256 mb & hd 3450 agp8x 512mb cards. can i use any of them???
  11. yes. now i have successfully submitted. thanks
  12. i tried to submit with gtx 560ti couple of days back but i couldn't. now it will?
  13. i have gtx 260, gtx 460 and gtx 560 TI. can i use any of them?
  14. division six is for all arm based processors but when i am trying to submit, it is saying that processor should be of socket 775. unable to submit cpu frequency, hhwbot prime & geek bench with my xiaomi mi3 processor msm8274ab@2265.
  15. impossible score. hence deleting this submissioin.
  16. http://hwbot.org/submission/2779699 this is my submission and everything is perfect but the score seems impossible: i3 4130, 4634.73 pps on h81 board at stock frequency. i have mentioned the same in the comments as well. earlier i don't know how to start a new thread[i have not tried]. now i have started using the forum, so i am reporting this issue. pl. check wehther it is possible or bug. any problem please remove this submisssion.
  17. asrock fm2a88+ btc
  18. http://hwbot.org/submission/2779699 this is a firestrike score submitted as firestrike extreme score.
  19. yes stock frequency on a h81 board. score is impossible. i know it. but i just want to submit it for the hwbot moderators to see it.
  20. i was trying to submit it as intel hd 4400 as shown by gpu-z but i can't change it. kindly look into it. there is another submission which is 2nd with a score of 133513 is also using the same i34130.
  21. geekbench couldn't identify the processor as p4 640
  22. geekbench couldn't identify the processor as p4 640.
  23. i have submitted in hd5000 category hence deleting this submission.
  24. 4260U was not featuring in cpus in hwbot until i made few submissions actually after xtu profile subsission only i could see 4260u in hwbot. cpu-z was reporting it as 4350u which u can see from the cpu-z. hence the submissions were made based on cpu-z.
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