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Everything posted by dumo

  1. Both items almost brand new. Plastic shrink wrap still on the gpu cooler http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=02G-P4-2968-KR $210 for rams and $180 for gpu shipped con USA
  2. For the price you should test it on LN2. Haswell-E low vid and 4.5G lovolts not necessarily able to pass 5.5Ghz wall on LN2. Just my 2c. Glws.
  3. LN2 scaling?
  4. Awesome! Thanks for sharing
  5. A bunch of new WRs with that board Awesome!
  6. L429B492 Lo volts air CB @ -123C and core wall @ 5.5Ghz
  7. L429B850 Cold test next
  8. Its not a tough decision, its the right thing to do!
  9. Congrats Varand! Mehdi, varand, pejman awesome benching from you guys
  10. Extech is way cheaper and perform the same http://www.ebay.com/itm/EXTECH-EA10-EASYVIEW-DUAL-INPUT-DIGITAL-THERMOMETER-/121114633634?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c32fea5a2#shpCntId You don't really need absolute exact precision temp. monitoring for LN2 benching Just my 2c
  11. These WRs arguing back and forth is getting old..whenever new platform released always the same BS
  12. Awesome run Dancop
  13. Cache clockin' on h20, all bios autos exept Gskill 3200 @ 1.55V
  14. Default 3100 settings 51/11/49/8 and Gskill 3200 lovo Thanks Loud
  15. All sold. Thank you.
  16. It did 4.9G max h20, 5G ambient won't really stable Just want another 6g+ chip and this one can't do it, probly my last IvyB-E chip before new platform
  17. I posted 4.5g runs above on water
  18. Thanks splman. Good ambient chip, too bad it wall @ 5.8G cold
  19. I snagged the last one @ Egg. Shipping from Cali warehouse, so it means still limited quantity
  20. It was on stock @ Neweeg 1:30am today and sold out in less than 30 minutes. lol
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