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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Mhh actually this is a good question and I'm not sure which is the correct answer. How does Futuremark see this? They created the 3DMarks so they should actually know the answer. My opinion would be to render the complete frames but that's only my opinion and doesn't have to be true.
  2. der8auer

    Congrats Ney

    this award is sick Well done!
  3. I'll test later today aswell.
  4. But isnt the point of the Benchmark that it has to "draw the 5 pictures" and the guy who does the 4 copies is a little cheater?
  5. Yea SoF that's exactly how I understood it. The GPU wants to render some parts multiple times (which is the normal procedure of the benchmark) but the IGP prevents this. So to me it's clear and the MVP forces the benchmark to only calculate maybe 80% and the FPS will go up. But in order to get comparable results we have to run every benchmark 100% and not 70% or 80%.
  6. Just thinking about that Ivy will come out soon. Pretty bad Idea to buy such a CPU now for this price
  7. Seems like we have to donate for a new server then
  8. what about having a result "history". Showing that e.g. the result was #1 when submitted and 39 days later it changed to #2 and so on. Like a history graph or table maybe also showing the trophies. So you could always say "hey back then in socket 775 times I was #1".
  9. because of the reason dino just posted. It's not supported by every card and doesnt scale on every benchmark. Means we won't get comparable results and will blow up the rankings.
  10. Isn't the goal of HWBot to push the hardware to the limit? Not everybody has the money to always buy the latest Hardware so we have to provide the space for ppl buying older graphics cards so they can still overclock these. Plus not everybody likes the latest hardware. Overclocking a GeForce 8 or 9 series is much more fun for me than overclocking a GTX580. Even these days ppl submit a lot of scores using e.g. a 8800GT and it's nice to see new WRs there from time to time - that's what HWBot is for. I don't want a closed ranking and someone comes up on another forum saying "the scores on HWBot are not even the real WRs - I have much higher scores." IMO the hardware sharing isn't a problem anymore since rev. 4.
  11. I think the most important step ist that FM can detect whether Virtu was used or not. No matter whether it will be allowed on FM or HWBot it should be clear whether it was used or not. Otherwise the whole comparability of the Benchmarks is gone.
  12. Ofc that's what I meant with the GTX580. Ofc everybody will rebench it. But all the older scores which are not CPU limited won't be affected or only a little bit. That's how it always was. Using MVP it will just affect every score. No matter which GPU or CPU was used.
  13. You're comparing apples with oranges. SB overtakes the ranking due to its performance. Means the SB can give a boost to the score of a GTX580 but not to an 8800GT because this card is completely GPU limited. There are ten thousand results which are done with the current rules. Now Lucid comes up with this software and all the hard achieved results will be gone. A 8800GT on stock cooler will kill all the LN2 scores which cost a lot of money, time and effort. So is this fair to all the ppl who spent so many years with benching here on HWBot? I don't think so. And IMO this software could kill the bot. If I have to rebench every score from the last 5 years just because of this software - I'm not sure whether I will continue with this hobby. And I know alot of other ppl who think in exact the same way. This software may be nice for gaming but we are here on HWBot. I don't see any advantage we would get using this software but alot of disadvantages!
  14. Well I think at least here on HWBot we (result-moderators) have enough experience to find and block such results. Duno how FM plans to deal with it tho.
  15. Yea but the 8500GT doesn't have a 6 Pin connector. If you use a different card like 8800GT you can use the 6 Pin connector of course.
  16. Not if you find enough ground spots. Ofc it's possible without grinding but the more ground wires you add the better the result will be. I just did it to be safe and actually the card is done anyway after applying the Board on it.
  17. Yeah well I'm one of these
  18. close - 9th Still have 3 here =)
  19. Yeah sounds good
  20. Would test if I had one but too much money just to buy one to mod
  21. yep was default. I only did a vMod for the GPU for the first test. So left memory on stock.
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