You're comparing apples with oranges.
SB overtakes the ranking due to its performance. Means the SB can give a boost to the score of a GTX580 but not to an 8800GT because this card is completely GPU limited.
There are ten thousand results which are done with the current rules. Now Lucid comes up with this software and all the hard achieved results will be gone. A 8800GT on stock cooler will kill all the LN2 scores which cost a lot of money, time and effort.
So is this fair to all the ppl who spent so many years with benching here on HWBot? I don't think so.
And IMO this software could kill the bot. If I have to rebench every score from the last 5 years just because of this software - I'm not sure whether I will continue with this hobby. And I know alot of other ppl who think in exact the same way.
This software may be nice for gaming but we are here on HWBot. I don't see any advantage we would get using this software but alot of disadvantages!