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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. I miss the dewars Nice office
  2. Very nice contest Looking forward to it!
  3. How did you manage to do the vGPU mod? I only found this strange VID mod online...
  4. Nice work Is this a reference design card?
  5. Damn nice scores bro! You'r on a 3DM06 rampage today?
  6. I do weightlifting yes but my 150L dewar filled is still too much for me to handle
  7. Now that's an interesting looking pot. Can you give few details or more pics about this pot?
  8. Haha nice pictures Realy looks like you had a lot of fun!
  9. awsome work! Cherrypicked or just random CPU?
  10. There is a lot of potential in the new design You can just help hwbot by reporting the errors you got. Then it's possible to improve the current design
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