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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Ok. 110K. Guess I'll have to try to move the mouse.
  2. Great ones Genieben Wouldn't that be 1/3rd practice, 2/3rd explanation and 2/5th drama?
  3. Haha ... excellent!
  4. Found someone in PM already . I'll close the thread, unless someone posts something extremely funny in the next two hours!
  5. Looking for a person matching the description: - overclocker - based in Berlin, Germany - free next tuesday or wednesday PM!
  6. No points = no points. No UP or TPP.
  7. Just a reminder that there's one magic checkbox at the bottom of each score submission field that pretty much solves all your problems. It's called: "I do NOT want points for this submission. This submission should not contribute to my league position." Here's a screenshot of it: You can use this button ANYTIME to not have to worry about hardware sharing or ES. So, if you're in the OC League but want to show your crazy ES result, click this button and you will not have to move to any Pro League. Just saying!
  8. There's indeed another contest coming for 3 additional tickets to the MOA final. Gunslinger is onto something .
  9. I don't understand your question either, Splave. What seats and what 4/5th? Z77A-GD80 was released May 21 and the competition started May 18. Therefore, the GD80 was not available before the competition and cannot be used.
  10. Haha! Nice one Kenny! Why is this thread so hilarious?!
  11. Lol, you must have the most terrible bench sessions
  12. Tested the 10th and last 3770K last weekend. Another 3204B824, but only 5G on air. It did ~ 6400 PI-32M. No good, so moving on. Fyi - tested the GIGABYTE Z77X-UD3H for the first time and got my first ever sub 5 minutes . Still lots of optimizing to do, but that'll follow. The 10.70 pifast does seem quite okay efficiency-wise.
  13. Did anyone already kill an Ivy Bridge CPU? At this weekend's EOS event two died (not mine). I've been booting up at 1.92V with several chips and never saw anything close to death. So, I'm wondering: have you guys killed Ivys already? And if yes - how?
  14. Seems like submission is working now. Sorry for the issues all!
  15. Damn! This song will forever be associated with the P67A-UD7!
  16. 1 - Yes, one person submits the scores* 2 - Yes. * if the user submits a score with hardware that isn't his, just use the 'disable points'-option. It solves all issues .
  17. Heh, laughing out loud here. Splave and Pro are meme-masters!
  18. Just wanted to say nothing changed since this post.
  19. Closing this thread, you already started one about this: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=31036
  20. FYI - the background: http://hwbot.org/blog/wp-content//MOA2012-EMEA-Qualifier-wallpaper_1920x1080px_0507_V.jpg
  21. When there are massive artifacts and screen issues, he'll say "the frames are ok, continue"
  22. Alright, last of the chips tested. As said: 3204B824. Not the best with 4c8t as it needs -130°C for 6050MHz wprime stability; reasonable for PI-32M with 6500MHz. Doesn't really go higher on 1c1t. Oh well, good enough for 3DM05 I guess. Enough testing for today. Time to switch to the Gigabyte boards for some efficient runs
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