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Everything posted by Massman

  1. I don't really think this fits; we are not trying to hunt down ghosts. We try to catch OC offenders, which are real people.
  2. You'll see that the #CPU field is active, indicating there are multiple physical CPUs.
  3. That thread is actually not about cheating, but it's about validated scores that are not correct. Perhaps due to wrong score, perhaps due to wrong cpu. This subforum is dedicated to the 'bigger' problems: hardware sharing schemes, score selling evidence etc. It's meant to be an outway for people who prefer not to speak up in public but do want to share evidence or anything like that. I don't really want this place to be use regularly
  4. No. In total you use 2x1=2 cores
  5. As the title states ... to what extend should this be anonymous? Non-visible threads, non-visible user accounts, anonymous users (but visible threads) ... ?
  6. Over the last couple of months, the overclocking community has been facing numerous acts of cheating. Be it illegal hardware sharing to photoshopping to sharing and selling benchmark scores, any of those are considered severe crimes in our community. This subforum is dedicated to collecting information on fraud, cheats and anything other related to overclocking. Users who want to share evidence on any of these activities can do that in this part of the HWBOT forum.
      • 2
      • Thanks
  7. Yeap! Almost. I didn't filter out the benchmarks that gain no points. Ergo: all your unigine runs make you look less efficient
  8. That's one of the few cases where congratulations are something to get depressed over and not getting congratulations is a reason to party hard and celebrate victory. Hipro defies our definition of happiness.
  9. All official info coming soon. You guys are really impatient
  10. Had to look up some stats today; here's fun ones. Most Hardware Rankings Joined: [b]Joined Hardware rankings, Hardware points, Overclocker[/b] 1975 6354.3 Turrican 1525 2533.0 SArd 1422 3736.7 knopflerbruce 1127 439.8 Marat - Ufa 1072 1044.4 Bwanasoft 1063 1456.8 Lippokratis 1060 5359.5 alibabar 1060 4105.4 Matti OC 1007 632.7 skydec 1007 3639.4 S_A_V 858 1219.9 Barton 842 1696.8 demiurg 828 3802.8 jabski 815 3620.0 Ice Angel 798 1080.8 Kolian 768 1489.9 Veld 742 692.7 Dewa_OC 695 366.0 opendoor 664 2419.6 Gamer 658 4545.1 GraduS 648 242.3 THRASHER2 621 773.1 shivabel 613 585.3 The III 610 1940.6 True Monkey 607 1515.9 hs 580 4242.8 RoccoESA 577 2359.5 Freakezoit 573 541.0 Chiller 573 1728.1 kim55 533 872.3 V2-V3 518 967.5 John May 517 1275.1 Alriin 515 348.1 azesmbog 513 271.7 Dan Jacques 509 711.3 Alex@Lion 508 1163.5 AndreyKV 499 900.8 giukey79 496 1388.2 topdog 495 4800.3 TaPaKaH 490 276.9 Blutregen 488 1565.3 michaelnm 486 1555.5 Bustah 480 3281.1 tiborrr 477 1521.3 qwerty84 456 2897.3 Moonman 448 4550.2 RedCobra 446 223.3 Jogibaer 444 1033.1 zafiropo 442 573.1 xandelly 436 192.4 Wildabeast Best Points/rankings ratio (over 100 rankings): [b]Ratio, Joined rankings, Hardware points, Overclocker[/b] 12.95089 112 1450.5 stummerwinter 12.85479 146 1876.8 hipro5 12.77760 125 1597.2 tsan 12.74894 188 2396.8 Smoke 12.15431 116 1409.9 michel90 12.10204 147 1779.0 Gyrock 11.35659 182 2066.9 K404 11.33404 141 1598.1 SF3D 10.95944 286 3134.4 Dentlord 10.56154 117 1235.7 Patch 10.38083 120 1245.7 G H Z 10.15670 448 4550.2 RedCobra 10.06923 156 1570.8 joe_cool 9.73597 139 1353.3 Vedma 9.69758 495 4800.3 TaPaKaH 9.51550 129 1227.5 DeDaL 9.33966 116 1083.4 Dr.House 9.18430 172 1579.7 ryba (PurePC.pl) 9.09200 125 1136.5 rsannino 9.06908 152 1378.5 aspms* 8.92174 115 1026.0 3oh6 8.68500 120 1042.2 Ross 8.53279 122 1041.0 Nanok 8.52577 163 1389.7 nikolas61 8.21502 213 1749.8 mortisboy 8.14960 125 1018.7 Achill3uS 8.13913 138 1123.2 Viss 8.11961 153 1242.3 MaKo 8.10641 156 1264.6 fatguy1992 7.99238 105 839.2 Hideo 7.94890 182 1446.7 Stelaras 7.92110 109 863.4 DOM. 7.85714 252 1980.0 dRweEz 7.76878 394 3060.9 Lex_ 7.76605 162 1258.1 chew* 7.73277 119 920.2 sacha35 7.72411 112 865.1 Solarfall 7.71980 101 779.7 EfterlysT 7.71149 148 1141.3 TinTin@OCQQ 7.65971 278 2129.4 DopeLex 7.64099 161 1230.2 CAL930 7.60463 108 821.3 Predator 7.46380 163 1216.6 H.E.A.L 7.40068 146 1080.5 Witchdoctor 7.33429 140 1026.8 [GF]Duke 7.31864 118 863.6 Topalof 7.31517 580 4242.8 RoccoESA 7.28767 146 1064.0 Ananerbe 7.26385 130 944.3 dinos22 7.26370 270 1961.2 MaJ0r
  11. There is no doubt, therefore no further proof is required. The rules on the competition page are unambiguous: * - Only use motherboard manufacturered by MSI. * - Only make submissions with a GMA HD videocard. * - Please attach a picture of your overclocking rig. * - A verification screenshot is required. * - Only use driver version: 2202 * - Retail hardware only * - Only members of Latin America, North America may participate. * - CPU-Z mainboard tab must be visible * - Use the official competition wallpaper: DOWNLOAD End of discussion.
  12. The submission is 100% conform the rules. The rules were clearly visible on the competition page. Note that from every competition we (and others) learn to do better in the future.
  13. Are you sure you don't want to re-phrase that sentence?
  14. FM validation was only mandatory for the GTX400 and HD5000 series. Those were the rules. All other results are valid.
  15. With that uncore, I think I'd gone Hyper and CL6-6-6-18. Even below 900MHz, you'd have good bandwidth with triple channel. TRCD is vital for X58.
  16. We're currently going through the submissions to check for validity. Gomeler's P1060 score has been pulled from the competition due to the lack of wallpaper. Of course, this is a pity since the score was both done at high clocks and with decent efficiency, which proves a lot of work has gone into it. The competition rules are very clear: the wallpaper was mandatory. Just FYI, competition teams consist of two people. Just to be VERY clear about this: I, Massman, is not involved in the decision-making process. HWBOT is, however. Please make a clear distinction to what I do as HWBOT rep and what I do as Massman. Thanks!
  17. Leeghoofd decided to keep my camera
  18. I don't know why, but I have installed WCG on three of my systems. The most remarkable of all this is that I'm able to defeat time. "Avg. Run Time Per Calendar Day (y:d:h:m:s) 0:001:04:05:10" On average, each 24h I do 28h of work ...
  19. Well, stock speeds are pretty useless on this platform. Easy run at lower MHz Perhaps I need 5GHz IMC
  20. You'll need a VR x10/x20 to be safe. So 500K VR between FB and GND
  21. The idea behind the mod will work (FB is equal on all mainboards). There might be a difference in stock resistance, though, so you better measure that before you mod.
  22. You have a better 1x CPU PCMark05: http://www.hwbot.org/community/submission/1067951_barton_pcmark_2005_sempron_145_10311_marks
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