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Everything posted by aperacer

  1. Could you please delete this score: https://hwbot.org/submission/5343630_aperacer_cpu_frequency_core_i3_7350k_5200_mhz/ Thank you!
  2. Can you please delete this submission, wrong Benchmark: https://hwbot.org/submission/5343642_aperacer_hwbot_x265_benchmark___1080p_core_i3_7350k_5.07_fps Thank you!
  3. Can you please delete this score: https://hwbot.org/submission/4950523_aperacer_superpi___32m_core_i5_3570_6min_57sec_86ms
  4. With PCI ID you mean the Device ID that is visible in GPU-Z? When I inserted the 512MB Card in my Rig it was installing new drivers, so something has to be different
  5. There are 2 different Versions of the NVS 310 One with 512MB of Memory: https://hwbot.org/submission/4566213_simi37_aquamark_nvs_310_129624_marks and one with 1GB of Memory: https://hwbot.org/submission/4168203_ewanstinybrain_aquamark_nvs_310_112389_marks The results are already mixed in the NVS 310 Category, but there are only max 5 results for each benchmark
  6. So now the Specs of my last card: A3 Samsung 640 600-10356-0001-152 B 900-10356-0001-152 H
  7. So, someone must be the first one: 8800GTS 640MB A3 Samsung 640 600-10356-0001-151 E 900-10356-0001-151 K A3 Samsung 640 600-10356-0001-151 F 900-10356-0001-152 G My other card will come, when I take the cooler off
  8. You have to save the screenshot as an .jpg It will get much smaller
  9. Will the bot stay up, or will you shut it down again to recalculate the scores faster? Is it safe to upload new scores, or should we wait?
  10. Could not the uat Server make the recalculations and once it is finished you could copy the Database? Or would that take way too long?
  11. Is there a points cutoff at some point? https://uat.hwbot.org/benchmark/pifast/rankings?hardwareTypeId=processor_1936&cores=4#start=0#interval=50 Rank 40 receives 47 points and Rank 41 only 0,1
  12. Maybe the new CPU´s should stay in their own ranking, like 8+8 or 6+4 and should not compete in the old rankings by disabling the E-Cores. Intel and AMD are going this way, because this is the future for them and for us.
  13. In my opinion the solution @Negative_Feedback offered is the best one, but else solution #4 is also good for me
  14. Sadly it does not work with my monitor, but hopefully others can use this trick
  15. For R20 we need an example screenshot with an Full HD monitor. I try to squeeze everything in, without obscuring the important stuff, like in this example I hope this is OK
  16. I am looking for a good kit of PSC RAM or similar (no Elpida Hyper´s) 2 or 4 Sticks
  17. Edit: I found the Error: I was using an old .dll, wich was way slower Hello! Windows XP should be faster than Windows 7 in wPrime. So far I have tested 4 different Versions of XP: 2 are stripped down, XP Service Pack 2 and XP Service Pack 3 All of them perform significally worse than Windows 7. Setup is i7 860 @ 4.5GHz Win 7 --> 5,505sec for 32m Win XP --> 6,593sec for 32m I have tried with and without Drivers for GPU and Chipset, but only small differences Themes ON/OFF Can somebody help me?
  18. There seems to be an error in the calculation for the points in this category. There is a jump in points between place 202 which receives 15,7 points and place 203 which receives 22,4points. The scoring of my result is also strange: nr. 325 --> 17,3 points nr. 326 --> 10,2 points (my result) nr. 327 --> 17 points I tried to recalculate the ranking, but nothing changed Could somebody look into this and fix it, or at least explain to me why this is? aperacer
  19. HWBot Prime says that a Snapdragon 801 belongs to the 800-family, can I join, or is it an error?
  20. @Mafio If you order one and get it also, let me take a look at it... Da dove sei?
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