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Everything posted by aperacer

  1. @Mafio If you order one and get it also, let me take a look at it... Da dove sei?
  2. Can I use A Number Nine SR9 with a Savage S4 GPU for the competition?
  3. I have a problem: I cant change to Entusiast League, but i do not have any extreme cooled result. I recently removed the 2 results with TEC-cooling

  4. In my BIOS there is no such option. I think you won the battle. Congratulations!
  5. No I do not have Backups, but it seems like you have now a better hdd. How can you set CL2 on those ram sticks?
  6. do you have backups, or do I need only to run it once?
  7. Do I have to start the Notebook this weekend?
  8. in a few minutes my scores are online and the competition starts...
  9. I have a Result here but only with 133MHz SDRAM with Cl2. My board has some Problems in the BIOS is an Option to change the FSB but under Windows there is always 100MHz FSB
  10. As first not german: Gute Arbeit RedCobra!
  11. Not long time ago you made a new category for Pentium 2 300MHz processors with Deschutes-Core but in the Klamath category there are a few results from processors with Deschutes-Core. Can someone of the Mods put this results in the right category? http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=836144 Here this is a Pentium 3 300Mhz with Katmai Core: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=630857 Here the same with the Pentium 2 266MHz: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=710437 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=563489 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=662409 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=710435 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=718175
  12. Sorry I didnĀ“t saw this category...
  13. I think Opendoor submitted his Scores in the wrong category because his Cpu has a Coppermine Core... http://www.hwbot.org/hardware/processor/Pentium%203%20600Mhz%20EB%20(Slot%201,%20133Mhz%20FSB)
  14. Ticket ID: 355 Priority: Low This Cpu is shown as a Pentium 3 450MHz because they have the same multi:\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=578259\r\nIt is this CPU:\r\nhttp://www.cpu-world.com/sspec/SL/SL3JU.html
  15. I think we should add a new Category, because this CPU is a little bit slower than a normal Pentium 3 450MHz with Klamath-Core...
  16. Where should I submit the Scores from this Processor? http://www.cpu-world.com/sspec/SL/SL3JU.html CPU-Z says that it is a 450MHz with 100MHz FSB Processor but its written on it 600MHz with 133MHz FSB also CPU-World says that it is a Processor with 600MHz. Where should I submit the Scores? Original VCore=2,05V http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=578259
  17. I have a Pentium 3 733 slot 1. Can someone add this CPU also
  18. Kann da nicht mal jemand alle seine Scores kontrollieren. So viele sinds ja nicht.
  19. Why are there always 2 results from Shino with the same processor? @Matti Ich bin auch nur draufgekommen weil ich selber nen Server habe und nicht wusste dass es zwei verschiedene Xeon 2.4GHz gibt und da hab ich jedesmal die Results von ihm gesehen und schrieb sie mir auf und dann sah ich dass er cheatete. Von Cheatern bekomme ich den Hals immer so voll. Wenn man mal einen Fehler macht versteh ich dass (ist mir selber auch schon passiert) aber wenn man mit Absicht cheatet...
  20. When you look at the results of this user here:http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=16770 you can see that he is cheating. He has always the same results with an Xeon 2.4GHz and a Xeon 2.4GHz (fsb533) and also the Screenshoots are exactly the same, and also the CPU-Z Validation is not from him. Can anybody here from the Crew check this results?
  21. I know this Problem cause I have a Pentium 1 90MHz and a Pentium 1 100MHz and the max Speed from those CPUs are 125MHz and the same with the Pentium 1 166MHz and 200MHz. I have a lot of Pentium 1 CPUs here is the List: Pentium 1 75MHz Pentium 1 90MHz Pentium 1 100MHz Pentium 1 133MHz Pentium 1 166MHz Pentium 1 200MHz If you want a Pic than you get one I wont hear that I am a cheater.
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