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Everything posted by aerotracks

  1. Up for sale a ASRock Z370 Fatality Gaming-ITX/ac. Board is like new - two months old and spent its life mostly in box. It comes with accessories, original packaging and copy of sales receipt. 8-core ready BIOS is flashed. Great board for ambient binning, good VRM that easily did 5.4 1.376V R15 with my L805 8086k on water. Sold. Item location: Germany. Payment via PayPal/IBAN/transferwise. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. Private sale, no returns, no warranty.
  2. Insane, congratulations
  3. Too bad you were halfway across the room, guess I should've shouted out my search request ?
  4. G.Skill 3000C12 and G3258 sold.
  5. I guess 3d truly is dead when not even a golden 580 matrix catches any interest. Please move and close, thank you.
  6. 1) Pentium G3258 Overclocking results: Best sample out of 7 G3258 I bought. IMC handles 2800C9 with Samsungs and 2666C8 with PSC easy. On air it runs 4.7 1.35V all day, the above runs R15 and 32M are with dry ice. CPU is delidded with liquid metal and resealed with high temp silicone. Sold. 2) Core i7-4790k CPU got a fresh liquid metal application 2 weeks ago, resealed with high temp silicone: Overclocking results on AIO 240/280: CPU has never been cold, tried to get it tested at this year's PA party but certain somebody wrecked his mainboard before we could get to it. ? Tested today for R15 5.0/4.5/3000C12 1.280V VCore at 22C ambient with 240 AIO. Sold. 3) G.Skill TridentX 3000C12 2x4GB DDR3 Excellent MFR, they run 3333C12 and 3250C11 - same clocks as super binned DDR4 MFR. You can bring the future to old systems (or go for those nice DDR3 frequency points). In original packaging, fan unused. Sold. Item location: Germany. Payment via PayPal/IBAN/transferwise. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. Private sale, no returns, no warranty.
  7. Last bump, pre delid binning run added for 580 matrix
  8. Zotac 480 sold separately, remaining bundle price adjusted. One more day, then eBay.
  9. Haha no worries I won't bench mine before winter Enjoy your points ?
  10. Great work! I just grabbed my 2 7970L from drawer, hoping they're still alive :p
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